
It is great to see at least one Irish journalist doing her job of analysing the data and presenting it to the world to see. This will become an example of truth and honesty in a corrupt world of media when the history of these dystopian times are written. Keep up the good work you can hold your head up high.

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Thanks Louise,

Almost three years on, the month of May saw unprecedented levels of mortality among the elderly. That's what I have observed locally at least. Confirmed by Patrick Walsh in his latest SubStack.

Still the gutless and the wilfully blind refuse to acknowledge it.

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Integrity is what matters and you made the right choice to pursue the truth and listen to your conscience. I’ll never forget that tweet from Bowers saying the mainstream did their best to give the public accurate information. It’s almost like he was worried about a reckoning coming for all this. Let’s hope his concerns are real.

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Great work.

Can I draw attention to the official Italian data releases that showed in March 2020 onwards that there was no dangerous pandemic presenting. Sent to all media outlets and govt departments, the Uniparty Sinn feiners, and archdiocese offices. All ignored. It's a massive smoking gun.



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Fantastic work Louise. What is done in the dark will be brought to light. It is a pity that so many people have been harmed by these " vaccines". RTE, HSE , government bodies, doctors ( with a few exceptions) have taken orders from the top down and are complicit in the harm that has been inflicted on people. We are obliged to call out evil when we see it and this is evil. Thank you for speaking the truth!!

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Great article Louise 👏 just reading it to the hubby who thinks they'll slant that there were no excess deaths because lockdown saved lives..what do you think ?

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That's what has been said to me by the brainwashed a number of times. My reply is a always simple: they told you the most dangerous pandemic ever was rampant everywhere, that people were dying in hospitals across the country from Covid, yet there were virtually no excess deaths.

Some have come back and said something along the lines of "well less people were driving so less accidents", but their conviction had waned at that stage, and you can see they know they're clutching at straws.

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Yep we got that response too Michael. My father has been recently diagnosed with early prostate cancer with a wait and watch approach. My mam has advanced level parkinsons going downhill rapidly and my sister has bad stomach pain being told its colitis ..not one want to hear about the truth in hospitals excess deaths etc I truly believe not until some young person dies close to family that they might ask questions but for now all the excuses like they took drugs they had cancer before are all they say when we hear of someone dying unexpectedly. If we could only convince them that RTE is lying 🤥 but I've tried and tried ..its no good they're gone in my eyes. Anyway sorry for long reply

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Sorry to hear that Colette. Yes, after years of trying to show people that RTE are liars i do feel some people will just never be be able to see the truth.

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Almost like they are now taunting the ones who took it.

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Great work Louise. Lies & deceitfulness always comes out in the end....

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Thank you for all of your research and determination to highlight this scandal Louise.

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Great work Louise. Your analyses form an important part of the pubic record of these times, and will add to the evidence base for accountability. The Irish media will be in the dock with the politicians and lawyers. Hang in there.

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Has today's "news" from RTE got anything to do with Harris's announcement (also on RTE News today) that the Covid inquiry will be before the general election? Time to clear the decks?

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We tried to warn people but they would not listen

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God bless you Louise for the work that you are doing. The great wheel is turning and the people are now taking charge slowly of the country. All of your hard, detailed work along with Patrick walsh and others has not gone unnoticed by the people and will be used as evidence in the new sovereign court system. In the mean time, we are now sending tort bills into the heart of the evil doer system which will have to be paid. In ancient Ireland you sent a tort bill to remedy an unlawful situation that had arisen. The value of the remedy was always 3 times that of the tort. This is the approach we are all taking. So I suggest you come up with a figure for torts you have come across, multiply it by 3 and send in a bill to the relevant offender. This will then be a live tort bill in their system which they will have to pay.

The Gardai currently owe me over €100,000 for the unlawful dispossession of my private property in 2014. They were clearly told that I did not consent to the seizure of my private property(car)regardless of what they were told or believed. I systematically billed them €1000 per day for over 6 months and we eventually ended up in the high court. Judge Peart in court 2 acted outside of his authority and jurisdiction(set up a false court outside his jurisdiction) and made an unlawful order for the destruction of my car under judicial review even though that was not the reason why the review was brought. So the Gardai have been hit with a bill for over €100,000, the judge will soon be hit with a tort bill for €500,000 through the court services for an unlawful order of destruction of my private property. These bills will be paid they will have no choice.

So my point is, get an invoice book, write out a tort bill from the living woman, come up with an appropriate tort amount and send them a bill with a 30 day payment term. You can do this on behalf of the people and the payment you get can go to a good cause for the damage caused by the governments actions.

The ancient ways that came about through trial, error and experience of what didn’t work are coming back. We are building a dual system for people to step into that is a higher jurisdiction than the current corporate control grid, which is satanic.

Sin abhuil.


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