Poor kid. My heart goes out to the family.

Pfizer will surely use their limitless funds & world class legal eagles to collect the info & lie with statistics.

Seeing as they are indemnified from any liability, I wonder do they even really care how this case turns out?

Thanks for covering this Louise. A brave & honourable act in the cesspit of modern journalism you currently find yourself in.

Go n-éirí an bother leat.

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Well done Louise, 💚

This 100% proves that Autopsy s

Must be used in all Suspicious Death.

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Thanks, Louise. Really appreciate your work.

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Thank you for covering this. Pfizer and others need to be held to account and the public made aware of how they have been misled. Heartbreaking for his family

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Autopsy s Must be used in ALL SUSPECT DEATH.

Fairly got Pfizer's CEOs, and their prostitute's in the wigs n gowns Hopping

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Issues with foot leg and bone pain,silence is deafening in Ireland

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Hi Louise, do you know if Coroner/Families/Legal teams have reached out to Drs. Malone, Yeadon et.al

I know Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer Chief Scientist) has offered to be witness in other Court cases. Also there have been several expert analysis of Pfizer trail data (released so far). Huge expert resources out there if families haven't already made use of.

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It may well transpire that Pfizer, Bourla, et al are prosecuted ad jailed for the untold harm they have caused to millions of people like this. That would be justice.

If it also means that this tragedy turns more and more people into vax-sceptics or anti-vaxxers generally, some good will have come from this dreadful situation.

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