It’s very hard to get the real cause of death. I’ve seen so often many cover ups so that drug makers won’t be sued

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Sep 21Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Thanks for making all your research available Louise.

The young man was ill before his Covid19 Jab, which must have exacerbated his condition.

Have genetic factors been ruled out?

Adreno-leukodystrophy ? Adrenomyeloneuropathy ?

The slowly progressive adult form is called adrenomyeloneuropathy. The defective gene ABCD1 is located at Xq28, and encodes the adrenoleukodystrophy protein (ATP-BINDING CASSETTE TRANSPORTERS).




US CTD links Endotoxin Lipid A to this type of disease


Addison Disease


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Thanks Geoff

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The Covid vaccine is a massive problem that threatens to undermine the authority of the civil service and their “justice” system.

Anyone following court cases that relate to the state, directly or indirectly can see this very clearly.

It is embarrassingly evident that the “justice” system is nothing more than a control mechanism.

As can be seen in the Mr Waters case, where he was found to have defamed a “journalist”, when he factually did not, the judge and I believe (until shown otherwise) both sides of senior counsel collude to obtain a verdict that suits the status quo.

The whole system is a farcical illusion of due process and justice that’s sole purpose is to protect the civil service Ponzi scheme otherwise known as government.

I would add that Muinteoir Martin and Lying Leo are ex health ministers, so are wholly aware of the reality of vaccine injuries, so these two criminals will unite their efforts to kill all and any scrutiny of this poison and the crimes against humanity they personally supported to enable the delivery into the arms of the Irish citizens.

I believe justice will be served, but not by the current and wholly corrupt civil service “justice” system.

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