Good for you! That's so interesting. To be brought back to God via CS Lewis! You must be in for something special 💞

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Just watched the video and I agree with with much of Fr. Collins' analysis. We are in a spiritual conflict, not a physical war.

Although I am by no means a prophet I believe we are passing through something. On the other side is Heaven but we have to go through Purgatory in order to get there.

Oddly, I don't think that any physical calamity that can happen will be as bad as what some of us went through during the covid nonsense. The quiet suffering endured by many remains unspoken and when I come across it nowadays I realise how dreadful that time was for some people: Christians and atheists alike.

I also believe that God does not ask more of any of us than we can give. So for those who have already been through the mill, the worst is over.

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On the money there, especially your second last line there JP. Glad you watched it 🙏

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Good to see you back Louise🙏

Yes we’re in the most challenging times possibly ever when the forces of evil might seem invincible but I believe that there is an increasing awareness among many Irish people that our godless experiment has run into the sand.

Of course it’s highly unlikely that this slow turning back will mitigate the chastisement to come and none of us knows how matters will unfold. But this is similar to the events that unfolded for our ancestors when they were genocided in the “famine”😭

The global criminals are determined to destroy humanity and enslave us through the unelected bureaucracies like the EU, UN, WEF etc and each one of us is being called to stand in the gap and resist their evil ways. But we simply cannot do that by protesting without invoking the Power of Almighty God🙏

Each of us has an obligation as baptised Catholics to spread the love of God to those we meet as there needs to be huge conversions🙏

When Fr. Pat eulogises Pope Francis I think he is failing to recognise the severe damage done during this papacy. The crisis has deepened hugely during the past 13 years and his collusion with the global criminals on climate and COVID has been an unmitigated disaster😭

We must pray for Pope Francis to acknowledge his sins and prepare for his 4 final things. We must also pray for a very strong Holy Pope to replace him and weed out the very bad Prelates who are Freemasons, Modernists and homosexuals🙏

God is in total charge and a great era of Peace is promised when this period of huge apostasy passes as it will🙏

But for each of us the choice is straightforward- be prepared to meet God in the 4 final things by remaining in a state of Grace by living the sacramental life of regular confession and receiving Holy Communion as often as possible but minimum each Sunday🙏

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We enter the next world as we are here, it makes sense right? Another learning curve for me! I'm softening on the Papacy/Church and Covid. Everything that happened has been allowed to happen. For example I know a priest who took the vaccine only in order to gain access to nursing homes to minister the Sacraments inside. How's that for sacrifice! It's on us as individuals to deepen our relationship with Jesus. Can't be relying on anyone else but God.

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Hi Louise, I was blown away by Roisin Doherty's testimony before I saw your article here. Thanks for now bringing Fr Pat Collins to my attention also. I listened to his powerful and heartfelt message with great interest. The last five years has been a time when the Devil has displayed himself as never before. Someone once said "In times of evil graces abound" and I believe this too. Terrible things have been happening and it seems so many are under a spell yet there is great energy in the faithful remnant and I have encountered the miraculous as well as countless synchronicities that intimate the higher power. May the precious blood of Jesus save and preserve us, Amen.

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Hi Pat, Roisin's story is incredible. Met her last year at Jim Brown's. She had a massive impact on my life then. A hundred per cent I agree with you graces are abounding, I see it everywhere. Hallelujah!

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Thank you for sharing 😊

The gap, yes.

For decades I was merely seeing a crack, it widened hugely in 2020 and I stood up and spoke out.

Then in 2021 a dear friend asked me to help narrate CSLewis Screwtape Diaries, of all things, for local radio and I feel I fully moved into (my/the) gap.

I am still not sure what to do with it all, I shall go sit with it further…

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I think my comments here got mixed up...sorry! If you read the others you'll see which was meant for you Eva & Angela

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People are raving about it! Thanks 🙏

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As always great article. I too missed the Divine Mercy conference and you have reminded me to go online to watch it. Keep being brave in what you say.

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Hi Louise, Very good post. Thank you.

I came across this article via dr Tempenny (unsure of spelling) A positive development from the EU Court of Justice. Maybe people are aware of it. Keep the fire going Louise.


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Thanks Daithi

I saw it. Very interesting. As always, wondering why now? Hope you're keeping well 🙏

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Hi Louise, you should check out Azovmena prophecy by Pastor Philip Barnett. He had a dream in 2006 about Russia invading eastern Ukraine. Everyone thought he was nuts at the time when he was warning people in Ukraine about a coming war between Russia and Ukraine. In his dream the war eventually turns into a nuclear war, which hasn't happened yet in real life.



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Thanks you Lee 😬 I'll check these out later.

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I saw that RDS recording also on YouTube and went on to watch some other videos by this exorcist priest, which I found very moving, as I had just taken up the Rosary nightly. I found one excellent and I shouted out my responses in my empty apartment mildly concerned my neighbour would think me insane! But I went on and got louder and found the experience deeply healing!

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So funny

Our Lady has never failed me x

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