Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I spoke to two men of 60 years old this week one on site a polish electrician who has a major problem with his heart and the other here in my yard , a carpenter . He his wife and son kept his heart pumping for 15min before the ambulance arrived and they worked on him in the house for another 20min , he woke up in the hospital the next day totally unaware of what happened , he said the electrics "his Words " stopped and now he has 3 wires going to a matchbox sized battery on his arm going to 3 wires to the heart incase the heart stops again. I told him about the other guy and that the other guy got the booster and flu jab at the same time in november. He was shocked and said he got the same in December. I dont see many people at all during my average week and for to meet two people with a similar story is significant in my opinion.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

The doctors who are afraid to speak up in case they are struck off should note that they are then: "just following orders" what defence will that be when their silence causes more and more victims from this sinister agenda? First do no harm.

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Excellent piece, Louise. Important to point out that time correlated data with jab campaigns across many countries leaves very little doubt about the 'connection' even if the 'correlation is not causation' chestnut has suddenly become an act of faith when it suits the official narrative. The Schetters study in Holland showed a remarkable correlation since the rolling jab campaigns were themselves age-stratified. Nor can the longer term 'time-bomb' effects be discounted even if they are much harder to correlate. Cardiovascular damage and micro-clotting buildups due to jabs are unlikely to subside without medical intervention.

It is also worth noting that the traditional risks of cardiovascular failure, including side-effects of lockdowns, can only be exacerbated by these jabs to the extent that they can be used to hide this monumental and criminal failure of modern medicine. For example, last year, the grandson of a friend had a life-altering 'heart incident' where he was only saved in the nick of time having collapsed in his bedroom. Still only in his 20's, this was attributed by his doctor to drinking a few red bulls in between beers at a family occasion earlier that day. While that may have indeed been the straw that broke the camels back, he would have received his booster shot only weeks before. Out of sensitivity, I didn't pursue this matter with his grandfather but I am aware of many other mealy-mouthed excuses given to younger people who have had similar incidents. In a similar way, a 42 year old man gets a heart attack while out for a jog. There is no admission by his doctors to the possibility that his booster shot might have put him in the danger zone whereby jogging was suddenly dicing with death.

We need more detailed autopsies and more stringent tests, especially for young males in the 18-45 age range where these incidents are off the scale. But, for the medical authorities, politicians and media alike, that would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Thank you Louise for your great research. Now tell the NPC's....you just get a blank stare.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Excellent article. I thought the large study from Israel debunked the idea that Covid infection causes heart issues?


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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Another great article.

I researched RIP deaths in Monaghan for 2022 and compared to 2016-19 average. Across entire year it was +23%.

Curiously it wasn't consistently high during all 12 months which may suggest late diagnoses were not the main cause. There was also some hot spots of deaths in certain towns!

Caveat being that Monaghan has an overall small population. However a few interesting trends all the same.

Regarding doctors not speaking out. I'm not sure the fear of HSE punishment is a strong enough reason at this stage....

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Great article. Journalism is alive here at least.

But no one wants to know much less accept any of the growing facts and signals.

Unless it is on some shite on RTE shoved in their faces, they can't process it.

This reference to undiagnosed cancer... surely HSE could calculate how many cases of cancer would normally be caught early in 2020/21, based on previous years, and thereby know very accurately how many were 'missed'. There were definitely quite a lot but it would be easy to know how many. Unless they already know and do not want the public to know.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Another excellent article, Louise....thank you! I'd like to mention another problem re getting accurate information on vaccine harms. A midwife friend told me last autumn that when there is a neo natal death (and possibly also a baby born alive with developmental issues), there is a form to fill out detailing the Mum's health amongst other matters. Until last Autumn, it asked for Covid vaccine status. Then those forms were withdrawn and new ones issued......the only difference is that the vaccine question is omitted in the new forms. So now there is 'no evidence ' of vaccine harm to babies. We have no idea of the myriad of ways in which the cover up is happening. If one don't ask, one can't know and one can deny, deny, deny!

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Go raibh maith agat Louise

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Excellent read thank you Louise 🙏

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

There's an interesting coming together today of your article Louise and this one - https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/best-big-pharma-memes-pill-dispensers

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023

Thanks for plugging away at this Louise, it's much appreciated.

According to Prof Bill Tormey, he claims that Myocarditis is an issue of Covid itself. But, I have a question for him, and others making the same claim.

I think it needs to be broken down into three groups.

We need definitive and truthful stats on

A) Rates of Myocarditis among Covid patients prior to the medical intervention

B) Rates of Myocarditis among patients who developed Covid only AFTER receiving the medical intervention

C) Rates of Myocarditis among those who did not contract Covid after receiving the medical intervention.

You could also factor in rates of Myocarditis in relation to the number of injections received too.

Autopsies need to be upgraded(for want of a better word) as it is easy to NOT find issues that aren't specifically looked for.

It is truly shocking, but hardly surprising, that qualified medical professionals are threatened with losing their licence, when they dare to speak out.

The Hipocratic Oath and peoples lives don't matter much when big money comes first.

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