Senior Consultant defends Irish GP's over Covid Vaccine Injuries
Prof Jack Lambert to write to Irish Medical Council
A senior consultant treating covid vaccine injured patients is to write to the Irish Medical Council (IMC) over vaccine safety. Prof Jack Lambert, Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the Mater Hospital, confirmed that he is treating patients injured by covid 19 vaccines.
Prof Lambert agreed to write to the IMC in defence of six Irish GP’s under investigation by the IMC over their opposition to medical policies adopted during the covid crisis including the administration of covid vaccines.
Prof Lambert branded the IMC ‘irresponsible’ in accepting complaints against GP’s where the risks of taking the vaccine outweigh the benefits.
“Irresponsible of the medical council to be accepting such complaints against GP’s where these vaccines have such toxicities compared to catching acute C19 itself,” Prof Lambert said.
The consultant, who runs a ‘Long Covid’ clinic in Dublin, agreed to write to the IMC in response to a request from Dr Marcus de Brun, who stepped down from the Irish Medical Council in April 2020 over the government’s response to Covid 19. The GP ran a busy practice in Rush, north County Dublin, which he closed later the same year.
Prof Lambert replied to a tweet from this reporter querying why media outlets will not report on vaccine injuries. The consultant confirmed he is treating vaccine injured patients and queried the suitability of delivering multiple boosters to ‘high risk’ patients. Some of his HIV patients had ‘seven vaccinations at the invite of the HSE,’ he said.
“I am seeing patients with vaccine induced long covid. How common it is I do not know. But it is concerning,” Prof Lambert said:
Prof Lambert was prompted to join the conversation on Twitter following a post from vaccine injured Siobhan O’Grady, whose story was published on this Substack a year ago. Siobhan’s story remains one of the highest viewed articles on this Substack to date.
Further in the thread, Dr de Brun asked Prof Lambert to write to the Irish Medical Council on behalf of the six Irish doctors under investigation.
The move comes a week after Limerick based Dr Pat Morrissey – who is one of the six doctors under investigation by the IMC – revealed he is treating ‘many’ vaccine injured patients at his practice. Dr Morrissey joined Dr Billy Ralph and a number of international speakers, including Dr Meryl Nass and MP Andrew Bridgen at an Exit the WHO press conference in Dublin.
“There are many vaccine injured patients in my practice. Many have come as they have been gas lit for months and sometimes years by the medical system. Their injuries often happened days and weeks after their shots. My colleagues and I have seen a big increase in cardiovascular disease including myocarditis, heart failure, clots, heart attacks and sudden deaths. In my own practice there has been a sixfold and threefold increase respectively of the two most commonly prescribed blood thinning medicines,” Dr Morrissey told the conference at Buswell’s Hotel.
“There has also been a surge in auto immune disease and cancers. In my practice I am used to having one or two lung cancer patients at any one time. Recently I had six at one time and only one of these was a typical patient, i.e. a smoker in his 60's. Three were in their 40's,” Dr Morrissey said.
The Adare based GP told of experience since 2020, pointing out that covid ‘was not the deadly disease we were told it was.’
“It is also a scandal that the hospitals were so under capacity during 2020 and those that tried to highlight this were chased by the law and censored by the media.”
(Dr Morrissey is on the far left of the shot - apologies his face is not fully visible here.
Read his full contribution to the press conference below)
*Thanks to those sharing + supporting this work. Option to ‘buy a coffee’ here
Read Siobhan O’Grady’s account of her injuries resulting from Astra Zeneca vaccine:
Read + watch Dr Billy Ralph’s WHO: Know the Facts contribution at Leinster House
Full transcript of Dr Pat Morrissey’s speech at the Exit the Who press conference in Dublin:
“Most of you know me but some of you don't so if you will bear with me I want to take you back to 2020, just for a little while. I am a GP in practice in West Limerick for the past 20 years. Looking after the patients and raising my family was what I did until Covid came along in 2020. It was not the deadly disease that we were told it was. However our Government parroted policies coming from the WHO and EU. There was relentless talk of case numbers and deaths. These as you know were massively inflated by a fraudulent PCR test.
“The deliberate deception by the WHO and EU served to turn our health service into one that was totally focused on Covid. I know of people who died in early 2020 due to the disruption of their care. It is also a scandal that the hospitals were so under capacity during 2020 and those that tried to highlight this were chased by the law and censored by the media.
“However data emerged early in 2020 from the Diamond Princess cruise liner showing that this supposedly novel virus had a similar infection fatality rate to influenza. Ivor Cummins and Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt explained the numbers to us. These low IFR numbers were replicated by Professor John Ioannides of Stanford University.
“Doctors were already repurposing old medicines such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the fight against Covid. Even without these drugs the average age of a Covid fatality was 83.
“However instead of learning from the clinicians on the ground the WHO and Brussels forced us to follow the new Chinese model of universal masking, social distancing and lockdowns. The previous pandemic guidelines published in 2019 were ignored. Patients with Covid were told to stay at home, take paracetamol and if they started having difficulty breathing then they could go to the hospital. This policy went totally against good medical practice. GPs who are well used to managing respiratory illnesses were made redundant apart from ordering PCR tests and acting as a signpost to the A+E.
“I learned from doctors in South Korea and France who were already using early treatment successfully. A few doctors like myself applied this strategy with our own patients. Patients got better and word spread among those who were open to a less fear driven narrative. Meanwhile the TV and papers told us we had to pin all our hopes on new medicines being marketed as vaccines.
“We could also see another way was possible in relations to the NPIs. Sweden did not trample on its people's rights and freedoms and now after all the dust has settled Sweden is acknowledged to have one of the lowest mortality rates during the so called Pandemic.
“Here the Government and NPHET under guidance from the WHO continued to follow the script. People were led to believe that the Pfizer and Moderna products were going to liberate us. However we must remember that it was not an invisible virus that took our freedoms away but rather the arbitrary and unscientific measures imposed by frightened or mischievous politicians.
“Those of us who tried to speak out in favour of a more balanced approach such as described in the Great Barrington Declaration were cancelled or targeted. The late great Martin Feeley was forced to leave his post for this reason. GPs like Billy [Ralph], Anne McCloskey, Gerry Waters, Mick McConville, Marcus DeBrun and Vincent Carroll were all labelled right winger antivaxxers and were pursued by the Medical Council.
“Labelling us right wingers is ironic as we seek to preserve and promote the freedoms enshrined in the Nuremburg Code while our Government and media were content to ignore these human rights provisions. The legacy media chooses to uncritically apply this slur to anyone who opposes Government policy whether it be Covid, Hate Speech, Immigration, or Trans Ideology. History will not be kind to them.
“Why has all this happened? Well I believe there is corruption at the highest levels. The WHO which receives the a large share of its income from private sources who as Andrew [Bridgen] said earlier "pay to play". They are acquiescent to the demands of the vaccine lobby including bodies like GAVI. Also the EU signs secret deals worth billions with pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna. Christine's [Anderson] favourite person Ursula von der Leyen and president of the EU Commission is currently under investigation for malfeasance in public office in relation to the signing of these contracts.
“The plans to hand over more control to the WHO makes no sense. They are an unelected body of diplomatically immune technocrats and should not be given the power to call a pandemic on a whim. So they can then decide where we can go and what we must put in our bodies. The judgement of someone like Tedros who appoints Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill ambassador is very suspect. This man was known for his regime of torture, disappearances and repression of the opposition.
“The WHO trumpeted the Pfizer and Moderna products as our saviour yet the unfolding evidence shows there are serious questions about their supposed safety and effectiveness.
“There are many vaccine injured patients in my practice. Many have come as they have been gas lit for months and sometimes years by the medical system. Their injuries often happened days and weeks after their shots. My colleagues and I have seen a big increase in cardiovascular disease including myocarditis, heart failure, clots, heart attacks and sudden deaths. In my own practice there has been a sixfold and threefold increase respectively of the two most commonly prescribed blood thinning medicines. There has also been a surge in auto immune disease and cancers. In my practice I am used to having one or two lung cancer patients at any one time. Recently I had six at one time and only one of these was a typical patient i.e. a smoker in his 60's. Three were in their 40's. Two of those patients are now dead.”
“Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George's Hospital in London has blown the whistle about the link between the Covid shots and cancer due to the repeated pattern of relapses in his patients occurring after the shots. Dr Ute Kruger [Sweden] and Dr Ryan Cole [Idaho USA] have also documented the rise in cancer and made the link with the shots.
Have the Bradford Hill criteria for causality been met?
Well it behoves reflective responsible researchers working in the area to at least look into the possible link as it is a plausible link.
Billy has focused on the issue of excess deaths that have remained stubbornly high since mid 2021 and this pattern is replicated in the majority of the highly vaccinated countries but spares those with countries where the vaccine uptake was low such as Bulgaria or Romania. People need to ask themselves why and not be afraid of the answers they will find.”
To speak to the character of Dr Pat Morrisey, after my daughter was heavily coerced at the National Maternity Hospital to take the jab (she resisted firmly and did not give in) during the course of her pregnancy (late 2021 to mid 2022), we of course had many concerns around natal vaccines. I contacted Dr Morrissey’s practice in Limerick, having read about his views and firm position on the jab and I was surprised and very grateful to receive a personal phone call from the good doctor, with whom we are not patients and he was therefore under no obligation. Not to go into the details but the fact that he took the time, during a period of great uncertainty for many, was and still remains a comfort. I hold tremendous respect for him.
Amazing news. Thank you. As if we would ever hear this through the dreary mainstream outlets.