Thanks Louise, this is what journalism should look like. The tragedy of this young man's death is examined with compassion, but with a forensic scrutiny of the facts, and a holding to account of those who have many questions to answer. It's so sad that Substack and the like are the only place such conversations can happen. I hope none of your readers are paying for RTE or other legacy media outlets.

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The whole thing around this poor young man stinks of corruption and lies. Well done on your very thorough investigations. You are a great journalist.

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Ms Roseingrave, as always well balanced analysis of the facts and courage in presenting issues that would otherwise be swept under a carpet.

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Superb analysis Louise✅

With excess deaths going off the chart and all of our so called leaders burying their heads about the issue the case of Roy is crucial!

Our Church leaders are a disgrace because we warned them in writing before they issued their statement supporting the mRNA so called vaccine but they ignored it.

Now that huge excess deaths are showing up they again refuse to acknowledge this! But these people who have been genocided cannot be ignored. Divine and natural justice demand that questions be asked. And that this vile crime be exposed with culprits brought to justice.

While I’m expecting a cover up job on this inquest at least the issue is once again being brought to light.

Thank you for your great work🙏

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

You can trust your government or you can understand history. You cannot do both.

Thank you Louise for more excellent journalism. (Something that is becoming increasingly rare.)

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Great quote

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

How many more has this happened to, cases that have not been come to the fore, people so far removed from the potential for harm from an experimental platform, one we were assured to be safe and effective. For Dr's that even dared to find the audacity question, it was medical sacrilege and they were punished by GMC and IMC by suspension of there licence.

Excellent bit of journalism to a standard never seen on RTE or from it's accomplices in crime .

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Great article Louise. Sickening to see Kinzen getting paid by state to snitch on fellow citizens. Wonder was that the dream the journalists involved had when they started out. Mark Lyttle in particular

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Stellar work once more Louise. Well done for not only covering this story but sticking with it. Siobhan is an embarrassment to put it mildly

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Really excellent piece of work.

Throughout the whole nightmare of lockdowns etc. I knew the various bodies couldn't care less about safety because they made zero effort to inform the public about adverse event reporting. There should have been ads on TV & radio, and media presenters & journalists including the weblink in their coverage. If any of them cared about data-driven medicine, and if they had any confidence in the safety of these products, the HPRA reporting system would have been publicized.

I spoke with medical doctors who had no idea what the HPRA was (including one Dr. that eventually used the online reporting form to report his own adverse reaction to one of the shots).

Thanks Louise

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“Misinformation can, when unchallenged, become reality,” Molloy said.”

I am having trouble with this quote.

Great article Louise see you on Saturday x

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It's one for the history books that quote!

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That was something.....

The reality, left unburied, becomes known.

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Sep 24Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Last year,in 2023, my son graduated from DCU.On the same day, an honorary doctorate was conferred on John Saunders of pr company Fleishmann Hillard.He was not a graduate of DCU himself and had never gone to college at all but he is ex RTE and had sean o'Rourke and Seamus Wolfe of golf gate fame in his party at the conferring, as well as a guy called Mark Mortell. I have no idea why Saunders got the honorary degree, other than he seemed to know a lot of politicians around the world.

Prior to the conferring there was a bit of DCU academic staff self congratulations about how quickly the Helix in DCU had been turned into the biggest vaccine in the country almost overnight. I was left wondering afterwards was the reason Saunders got the honorary PhD because Fleishmann Hillard had done much of the PR for the jabs and the HSE, and was FH the large client who was entertained royally by RTE because FH was the unnamed company who had paid 20 million in advertising to RTE during the lockdown, information which emerged during the Dail Committee investigations into RTE? I am not sure if John Saunders or Mark Mortell were named in Golfgate but several attendees were not named.

I remember the time Roy Butler died as being a dystopianly dark time in Ireland. My whole family were very ill with a very unusual flu like illness at that point , following my unjabbed son travelling to Portugal and arriving home ill. He had been violently pcr tested in portugal , as it was the only test allowed for travel home to Ireland and I am not sure whether it was the violence of the pcr test, or the hanging out with the hoards of jabbed young people but he picked up an illness which together with temperature and a sore throat, seemed to have a neurological component to it, with everything appearing too bright and loud, and my sense of smell distorted to this day..perfume smelled foul at the time, vegetables have a strange soil like smell, and yet really obnoxious smells like slurry , I can hardly smell at all .My youngest was starting in secondary and was masked , and my 86 year mother in law had died in April, about a month after her second jab( she did have several underlying health conditions also , so can say for sure).

I am still very curious about the roll of Fleishmanm Hillard and John Saunders around the propaganda involved in spreading the 'jabberwockery' and Rona narrative at the time in Ireland.

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Fascinating detail here!

Agree the timing of the death was about the worst of it. The family in grief plunged into a horrible parallel universe being attacked from all sides. I just have so much respect for how they've continued in Roy's memory.

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the unusual flu symptoms were caused by the flu shot 2019. it was the deliberate origin of what became know as covid. I know exactly what you are talking about here an experienced similar symptoms despite not taking any injections. the " resistance " movement failed and continues to, convincingly offer an alternative explanation for people's illness by saying covid didn't exist or loud speaker projecting distracting theories planted by military behavioural psychology teams

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Sep 24Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Exceptional investigative reporting and what a grim sequence of events.

Thank you too for elaborating on profs protocol of testing. So many time bombs still due to detonate, I hope the detox protocols are being availed of.

As for “Kano Communications” how does this woman sleep at night..

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Sep 24Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Ireland is so corrupt.

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

An absolute disgrace. God rest this young man. I pray he’s in a better place.

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Sep 26Liked by Louise Roseingrave

True journalism Louise. For those of us who survived vaccine injury you inspire us to keep fighting on. We cannot thank you enough for never giving up!

What happened to Roy was nothing short of murder

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Sep 23Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Fabulous work Louise well done. You are a true journalist👏

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