Feb 1, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Regarding numbers vaccinated in Ireland, I haven't found trustworthy statistics.

However, it turns out that in England their 92% vaxxed rate came about by the simple fact of leaving 8 million people out. To be included in the stats, you had to be a) registered with a GP and b) have been counted in the 2011 census. Neorman Fenton and Martin Neil, two professors in Queen Mary University in London did a study and came to the colclusion that the vaccination rate was between 74% and 80%. Or 20% to 26% unvaccinated. Study is here:


Looking for stats on the Irish situation, I came across the following powerpoint:


On page 7 you will see the vaccination rates for various age groups, by county. Most counties to have a 99.9% rate for the over 50s (ie 1 unvaxxed per thousand). I am very dubious that any group would ever be that high, because there are always people who fall through the cracks - old batchelor farmers, alcoholics, mental health patients who won't leave the house, hippies/alternative lifestyle people, drug addicts and I'm sure a large etcetera.

That said, there is one county that stands out as an exception. For the authorities, an utterly satisfactory case, for the rational observer a complete joke. I mean Co Waterford, where according to this document everyone over twenty-one has been vaxxed; well, 99.9% of people in Co Waterford (including the city of Waterford with its large student population).

Oh, and at the bottom of the page they have this note:

"Where calculation of estimated uptake exceeds 100% due to unidentified data quality issues, the uptake will be rounded to 99.9%"

I suspect that they have severe data quality issues if they have found places where more than 100% of people have been vaccinated. But the suggestion that 99.9% of people anywhere have been vaccinated in any age group already demonstrates the poor quality of their data.

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In one sense the experimental gene therapy and mass formation has done us a favour. It has sifted society in a way that was unimaginable prior to March 2020. If your blood is pure and your mind is free doesn't it make sense to connect with similar people because we know that times ahead are going to get more and not less challenging. I have seen how stressful it is for people to have partners who are not on the same page. Many have had to make difficult decisions. Thank God that my wife and I are rowing in harmony.

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A trap app for unvaccinated Irish people?

unveed.com has unidentified domain name owners - why hide? no one hides unless suspicious.

they hide using a special additional service which they pay for - domainsbyproxy.com


Red Flag. Avoid.

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This is an important discussion and we need to have it! As people don’t show up to take their boosters they’re now the new unvaccinated. So there’s more and more of us every day. Maybe we do need an app for finding community rather than one for dating. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

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You are not told the reason for the Vax,

The world’s history is catching up with alarming consequences in the near future.

Go to this site, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zfMyzXqfI... and do a bit of Googling,

Lots of secrets are coming to roost,

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Very interesting idea! I’m happily married (both unjabbed) and we’ve raised 7 kids in this home (youngest is 18), so it wouldn’t be something I’d use (obviously), but I know a lot of single people my age (almost 50) and younger who would use something like that here in the US. My biggest concern would be detecting liars who say they’re unveed. How does that work?

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