The verdict everyone expected. It’s going to take more to break the dam sadly. I feel for Roy’s family.

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The doctors are "baffled" again. If they'd even find another word, it would help. Louise, if we had a few journalists like you in the mainstream these affronts to human reason would be exposed. If!

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I'm sure there are Anne, but they cannot report it. I tried it and got the boot! This is life on the bold step. It's shit. I'd like my life back. But away on we go regardless

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Oct 10Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Yes. As expected.

I wonder if they looked at the batch number when searching for similar outcomes.

The family has shown such courage and fortitude. Roy will not be forgotten. His story will be part of the eventual exposure. I pray it happens soon.

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Tnx for this work Louise, a very important moment in our recent history, the day of reckoning is coming for those involved in the covid crimes in this country. Sharing.

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Hardly surprising, but it's no easier to take.

Bottled it. AGAIN.

Absolute cowards.

Thanks Louise.

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Yeah. Report adverse events? Oh, as in VAERS? Seriously? . . .

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It’s actually a very weak recommendation. In a healthy society, it would be the responsibility of the medical authorities to do regular check ups (for months and years afterwards) on the well-being of those administered a fast-tracked medical procedure, to see if they can identify any patterns of injury in the injected population. That this isn’t the case, shows a blatant disregard for safety.

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A similar system to VAERS is clearly what they want to implement here in Ireland. A ‘no fault’ holding bay that disarms any serious cases against the manufacturers or the HSE in the future (which are surely coming). It is in that context, that I see this verdict as actually playing into the authorities hands.

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Ah yeah nothing changes ! The evil continues!

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Oct 10Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Thank you, Louise, for your tremendous work. I'm deeply disheartened by today's verdict.

The Coroner is fully aware of what transpired, and it's disappointing that he lacked the integrity to make a just ruling.

I can't help but question whether he faced any pressure during the decision making process.

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Oct 10Liked by Louise Roseingrave

With the low reporting and regular ignoring of vaccine deaths I wonder how many people have actually been killed by the said vaccines. Poor Roy was just one of an unknown number. Worldwide, with billions of doses administered the figure might run into millions of deaths. It's probably a rival for previous mass genocidal killings and would certainly outdo many.

I'm afraid we will never know as the cover-ups started before the release of the poison shots.

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Oct 10Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Fair dues to the coroner. That verdict is better than we might have expected.

Personally I think the days of blind allegiance by people to Jenner's vaccine are behind us. Too late for Roy Butler but thanks to Louise he and his family won't be forgotten.

One day we will look back on the vaccine era the way we think now about the witch hunts of the middle ages, i.e. with incredulity that humanity could have been so blind to reason and common sense. By then maybe we will have been duped into some other collective madness, but I don't think so.

I think the human race has finally grown up. I hope so anyway.

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I have to disagree Jim. It’s ridiculous for the coroner to say ‘on the balance of probabilities’ it wasn’t the vaccine, given that Roy felt unwell immediately on receiving it and got progressively worse. He never recovered and then died. It is worth comparing this verdict with the yesterday’s verdict on the death of Michael Laffan. Michael drowned while sea swimming. He was ‘tested’ for ‘Covid’ by the pathologist. The test was positive and the coroner has decided that Covid was a ‘causative factor’. So a 'virus' they haven't been able to isolate, detected by an unreliable test, on a man who clearly wasn't suffering from 'covid symptoms', or he would hardly have been sea swimming, can be determined to have caused his death, by some unexplained mechanism, but an injection that caused immediate harm and has known vascular side effects, 'on the balance of probabilities' wasn't causative. Double standards ?

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I think you'll find Michael Laffan also was vaccinated, God rest him.

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You'd almost think there was some attempt to actually assess the statistical probabilities.

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In what way is the verdict remotely acceptable? I'm confused.

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Oct 10Liked by Louise Roseingrave

As expected sadly. It’s as obvious as the nose on your face that the death jab killed poor Roy. His family must be devastated.

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Wicked just wicked, shame on these so called professional people meant to serve us! My thoughts are with Roy’s family and all others affected by this evil.

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Make this coroner famous people. Simple as that

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The dog in the street knew this was coming. This is probably the best we'll get in all honesty.

Has anyone noticed that netanyahu has a syringe proudly displayed in a fancy display in his office? Anyone noticed birth rates in all countries dropped aside from one country? All the leaders of the vaccine creation and push were 'dual citizens' of said country? They are the ones needed to brought to account. And to anyone thinking this might be far out conspiracy, wouldn't you have said the same before COVID if it was all laid out in front of you?

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No surprise there 🙄

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‘Baffling’ said the doctor. ‘Baffling’

Jeez, what could it have been?

Such a mystery!

I don’t know how the family have kept their cool through all this. Remarkable self control.

I’d definitely have let rip in the courtroom at at least one of those lying cowards.

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Doctors seem to be really stupid these days … which is why we should never trust them again … always baffled by the blatantly obvious!

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The whole Covid scam was an egregious breach of all our human rights and freedoms🤮😈

It was diabolical and planned by the evil “elites” who control Governments and media🤮

But we the people should never have fallen for the manipulation and propaganda👊

Nobody has a “right” to take away your freedoms but they have scamming us for a long time and we have become soft with little cohesion to resist such evil👊

The only way to defeat evil is with the power of Almighty God and if people do not turn back to the faith of our fathers the destruction of our world will continue!

Since Covid they have shifted the narrative to “open borders”, Wars and “climate hoax”🤮👊

All designed to keep us in fear as they destroy us👊

Stop watching the tel-lie-vision and get out and talk to people about the truth of God and coalesce around that to give us power🙏

Evil will burn itself out but not before destroying many precious human beings👊

God bless Roy and his family🙏

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Amen. And God Bless you, Paddy, yours is the first comment to even mention God.

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The faith of our fathers closed their doors and went along with the scam Paddy.

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Our faith is in Jesus Christ and if we forget that we betray our forefathers who endured genocide and betrayal also.

We owe it to ourselves to focus on saving our eternal souls because this is all a gigantic spiritual war🙏

So time for repentance and regrets for our failures to uphold the one true faith🙏

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Amen, Amen . . . Again!

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