As someone also seriously injured by the AZ vaccine in March of 2021, I had similar symptoms and can certainly relate to not only being ignored by the medical profession, but made to feel like trash by all of those with power - legal system, medics, media, government - and sadly family and former friends. Us vaccine injured are still piecing our lives back together and can only imagine the devastation Roy's family have experienced especially in Waterford the hotbed of vaccine pushing, they have held themselves with class, a class that Ireland lost during the pandemic and has not regained. Thank you Louise for keeping your strength up in this horrible fight for truth and justice.

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So sorry that happened to you.

Agree, family so absolutely dignified throughout an incredibly difficult ordeal.

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May God bless you 🙏

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So Dr Bolster is "baffled"

Absolutely gutless.

Prayers for the family, and justice for Roy Butler, and every single human injured or deceased from this despicable time in history.

Louise, thanks very much. Only for ye.

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Keep up the prayers! 🙏 Thank you

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If it wasn't so tragic it would be comical.

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Sep 26Liked by Louise Roseingrave

At least there was an autopsy done but as expected no link found to the vax. I did read that Roy’s D dimer number was high. This is something that Dr Charles Hoffe a Canadian GP pointed out some time ago was a test that should be done and had markers for the vax damage. He has since been suspended by the BC medical board in Canada. It is so sad that the Butler family have to go through this nightmare as the white coats do not have the guts to stand up and speak out. Thanks Louise for your hard work in documenting this entire cock up from start to finish. Let’s hope and hope pray the coroner can withstand the pressure from Pharma and not bring in an open verdict.

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Sep 26Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, is a University of South Carolina professor who gave a talk to a senators on vaccination it's on YouTube. He devoloped a pcr like test to check for spike protein in living tissue. There is also a lab in Germany who conduct a staining test that checks tissue for vax damage. This info is over 12mths old so there may be a lab here now. I believe it is a test anyone can get.

Homocysteine: (Heart Inflammation / Methylation issues / Brain issues)

Fibrinogen: (Heart damage)

D-Dimer: (clotting issues)

However these tests may be done in private labs but they are very inexpensive.

Hopefully this will be useful to someone.

God bless the Butler family and give them strength in the coming days.

Louise you are a legend. Hats off to ya girl.

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Roy had a raised D Dimer level

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We will wait with bated breath to see if justice is done to the memory of this tragic young man!

I have no doubt that he is a victim of this evil genocide😭

Our “leaders” in every sphere betrayed the people pushing the propaganda to instill fear with the sole aim of jabbing everyone🤮😈

And now with huge evidence of excess deaths and huge number of illnesses they want to run away and pretend that there is no issue🤮

These spineless wonders need to be brought to account but even if not properly dealt with this side of the grave their actions will be held accountable by Almighty God🙏 This is laid out in a simple paragraph of the Preamble to Our Constitution;

“In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred.”

Very stark, very concise!

They will not evade Divine justice if they refuse to repent!

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Welcome to Warsaw 85 years ago, no thank to all the turncoats of today who made it possible!

May Roy's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace .

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Amen 🙏

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The unnecessary and untimely passing of a talented young footballer, while tragic for his family may have saved many other young people from following in his footsteps. His death will have been noted for sure by thousands of fellow sports men and women and hopefully put them off taking the poison jabs. I feel so sorry for all concerned and I would like veryuch to pass on my condolences to them and the other victims of this outrage.

I hope we can all learn from this. The government is not our friend or savior.

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That's true. How sad.

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They better get justice or I will be so angry 🤬🤬🤬

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Devastating, there are no words to describe how wicked these people are. Blood thirsty demons.

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Thank you, Louise for your excellent reporting on the shocking death of Roy Butler. He was a fit and healthy young man who reluctantky took the J&J vaccine so that he could travel.

It should not be up to his devastated family to prove that the experimental vaccine was the cause of his death. Surely J&J should have to prove that it wasn't?

It is outrageous that all those responsible for producing, distributing, and administering covid19 vaccines as "safe and effective" (when they could not have known this to be true) are indemnified against any claims of harms these covid 19 vaccines might cause. The public was not only misinformed but totally uninformed, which rendered individuals incapable of giving their informed consent to receiving these vaccines.


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All they do is lie, lie, lie. What a bunch of c u next Tuesdays. I don't know how people actually engage with them..

As someone said during the scam - the 'vaccine' should be tested on politicians, medics etc etc (especially pediatricians). If they live the vaccine is safe. If they die the country is safe.

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Thank you for sharing this with the rest of the world. Just to let you know, the link to 'buy me coffee' in the article doesn't seem to be working.

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Very welcome and thanks for letting me know. If I had a coffee for every time pple tell me that! Thanks for trying

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Sep 26Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Got it working, ☕️ on the way:)

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Did anyone ask Cork University Hospital Neuropathologist Dr Niamh Bermingham who conducted an examination of the brain at Roy’s autopsy if she used Pathologist Prof Arne Burkhardt testing mechanisms that can scientifically establish if the vaccine caused Roy’s death?

See Prof Burkhardt explain method and findings after he was contacted for a second opinion by families of patients that died suddenly after Covid 19 vaccination.


Is there a requirement to keep pathology samples until after an inquest is over?

If so, can Dr Bolster or Dr Niamh Bermingham perform Prof Arne Burkhardt staining procedure on the samples to scientifically establish Roy’s cause of death? The family needs this done to get the answer they so desperately need. They know the vaccine caused Roy’s death and they deserve the truth.

As of today there are 2,909 reports of Death for the Covid-19 Janssen vaccine in VAERS.

VAERS only accounts for approx. 1-10% max of all reports.

Click search all reports, down the left hand side, select Yes for Deceased, then COVID19 for Vaccine Type, then COVID19 (COVID19 (JANSSEN)) for Vaccine Name, then hit submit. Result 2,909 reports of Death from this vaccine. https://www.openvaers.com/vaersapp/reports.php

All Covid vaccines are unsafe and should be taken off the market NOW. There are currently 37,910 Deaths against all Covid Vaccines in VAERS and countless serious adverse reactions to these vaccines. Click into each box to see the graphs for each issue. As mentioned above these numbers only account for 1-10% max.


Even though there is all this information about how unsafe these vaccines are our Department of Death are still pushing this poison "Following EMA approval of the adapted Comirnaty JN.1 vaccine and NIAC recommendations on its use, the Department of Health has asked the HSE to implement the Autumn COVID-19 Vaccine Programme for 2024-25".

Thanks you Louise for your fantastic, honest reporting.

May God watch over Roy's Family and us all because we are seeing pure evil at play. Rest in Peace Roy.

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You can be fairly sure I would have reported this important detail had it happened!

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Absolutely well sourced Evidence there.

Wondering why it wasn't pursued in the hearing?

Perhaps lack of awareness or poor reperesntation.

Anyway, I really hope the family see this, and those others involved... before the final case judgement.

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Let's be honest. "Dr Bolster said she could not definitively link the death to the vaccine." We are dealing with pure evil across the board. It's pure evil.

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She actually can't though, that's the issue. She truthfully said multiple times there was no cause found, how incredibly unusual it is, as a pathologist she needs definitive proof to offer under oath. That's why the immunohistochemistry protocols are so important

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Sep 27Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I was going to say the exact same. She's not the demon here.

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They are putting the covid jabs in the Tetanus. Patent number CN117062829A (Google it) . I have had two seizures since my Tetanus. I did not go near the covid jabs. These people are Evil

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I have a limited understand of the research but I 5hink it's not a tetanus vaxx but a detoxified recombinant tetanus neurotoxin (DrTeNT) prepared by mutation of the active site amino acid residues is an effective vaccine candidate and will be used to embed epitopes of SARS‑CoV‑2 viral proteins for vaccination against Covid‑19. In other words, a new method of delivering tetanus based covid 19 vaxx by either sublingual, subcutaneous or intranasal applications.

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deletedSep 26Liked by Louise Roseingrave
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The mystery is the fact that these jabs were rolled out in months. Sure what could go wrong is going on, slaughter of the innocents. Most jabs take up to 10 yrs of research and trials before approval is given for use on the mass population. It is fighting we must stay!

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And even then some vaccines have been withdrawn after 10 years of testing and being on the open market for even a few months 🤔.

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