What an amzing series of interviews this has been. In a rational and sensible world Louise would be commended by her peers for her excellent journalism. She might even get an award or two. But we don't live in such a world and sadly silence is probably the best she can hope for.

What comes across to me in these interviews is that these were smart and curious-minded people who often researched what they were about to do before getting the first jab. They retain faith in the medical establishment, and hope to find a kind doctor who will at least listen to them, if not believe their interpretation as to why they are ill. That is completely understandable. I was once like that myself.

It must be very difficult to accept that these jabs have had such a bad effect on their health when all they were trying to do was be good citizens by safeguarding their families and their communities. But their health has been damaged and I hope they can recover completely.

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💯 agree 👍 👏 🙌

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Absolutely agree 💯

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Are you certain that 'They retain faith in the medical estab.' is absolutely correct? I've always been a sceptic, knew about the phara industry's connection to the 'prescription pad'. I think you'll find people a bit more reticent in their trust of the medical profession as a whole. Of course, if the profession continue, albeit in small numbers, to come forward and acknowledge the huge weight of their acquiescence of 'big pharma'..... then, and only then, will we, society regain trust in the profession.

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Are you one of the interviewees? My comment was based on several of Louise's articles in which those damaged continued to seek medical help for their injuries.

I am open to correction but I'd imagine the vast majority of people still trust their doctors.

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All of us who didn't take the vaccine never got sick. I had a positive test but it was milder than a cold and lasted less than 24 hours. She had a bad dose because of her vaccines. It's good her doctor recognises it but he is not speaking out publicly.

Interesting another vaccine is included in her protocol.

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Isn't it...

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“She had a bad dose because of her vaccines”.

It’s no wonder survivors of the Covid vaccines prefer to stay in the background.

You also say that those who didn’t get the vaccine didn’t get sick. This is completely untrue. Why would you push your untruths onto a victim of the covid vaccine and onto the general public reading this story? What is your motivation?

To the lady who is sick in this article.

Do not be disheartened. We are all hoping and praying that you get some type of respite from your illness. It is obviously a very traumatic time for you. It must be such a scary place to be in with no idea if or when it will end and you will get your life back. Take care of yourself, as much as you can

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What are you talking about Tom? I have been a member of the Vaccine Control Group (300,000+ of us) and we are not getting sick. The people around me who have taken the vaccine are...

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

hi Emily, I take it that the “vaccine control group” you reference is a group of people that refused the job covid vaccine?

Can I ask what you mean by “and we are not getting sick” please. Thanks

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Ivermectin, Ivermectin Ivermectin.

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Has “the science been settled” on Ivermectin as a treatment for all and every vaccine injury symptom or is it an experimental, off label use of a human parasitic drug. Personally, I Don’t think it’s a good idea for a person injured by an experimental vaccine to start taking another experimental drug like ivermectin.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Ivermectin received a Nobel Peace prize for its efficacy, and was recommended by countless senior medics and scientists in the early days. I'm concerned about your motives.

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Which diseases did it receive the Nobel prize for treating? Thanks

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It's not experimental. It's been around for years and its safety is not in doubt.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Scientifically, ivermectin is a proven treatment for specific illnesses but it is not a proven treatment for the all encompassing treatment of “vaccine injuries”. For anyone reading this thread, please consult with a physician before embarking on any off label treatment. I thought The days of selling snake oil were over till the covid vaccine came along. Now we have ivermectin as a solution to the vaccine. It’s not proven and offers false hope, just like the snake oil vaccines.

Let’s stay in message and concentrate on the people who have been injured. This is the first time that I’ve seen real people tell their personal stories on a public forum and we should be celebrating and supporting them. Well done to all involved in bringing this public health disaster to light

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Thank you for recognising this Tom. As one of the vaccine injured featured in this series, it was very difficult for each one of us to write these interviews. They have even been triggering for us to read each others stories. The purpose of the this whole project was to raise awareness of the human side vaccine injury and how varied those injuries can be person to person. Deviating from the bravery and vulnerability it took for us to put pen to paper and share something so personal deminishes the human aspect of the awareness we are trying to portray. In my day to day life I honestly don't care who told us so, or told us we should, it doesn't change the situation we are in now. So I appreciate your supporting and focusing on the human side of our stories.

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Your knowledge of Ivermectin is patchy to say the least. One of the widely taken and safe drugs ever.

Plenty of papers on its use to neutralise the very damaging production of spike protein post jab.

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Re Ivy... From communicating with other vaccine injured sufferers in a number of different support groups, Ivy is getting very mixed reviews from the vaccine injured. As a community, the vaccine injured receive well intended protocols from people very regularly, I'd say most days. If we tried everything suggested to us we'd be rattling around like a babies toy. There's a lot also to be said for less is more. A lot of us react to the mixers in medication and supplements because of MCAS symptoms. There is no one treatment that fits all. These interviews are snippets of what happened to us, and speaking for myself my full story is much more harrowing and scary than I could fit in approx 2400 words. I have a tendency to agree with you about ivy Tom, but likewise if someone wants to try it, that's their decision and it's not for me to tell them if they should or shouldn't. It's not my body. People are entitled to opinions on what we should or shouldn't do, but until you've walked in our shoes, which I wouldn't wish on anyone, all the different advise and information coming at you everyday can be really overwhelming. So please try not to dictate, be unnecessarily cruel, or lack empathy when offering advise. Just offer it without expectations and leave it at that.lSomeone left a comment on one of the other interviews 'politics has no place in compassion.' Not a truer words has been said.

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MRNA were the snake oil.Tom. Surely you know by now.

Ivermectin was made patent free because it cures River blindness caused by parasite.

The spike acts like a parasite within the body.

As for on/off message,: ivermectin has helped countless people with post jab illnesses. Please look up the Protocol for Detox on World Council for Health website, which is based on ongoing efforts to help people like Msyara to recover.

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There was something about the range of anti parasitics (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin) that was very effective from the beginning of whatever this 'thing' was. I hesitate to call it a virus.

DARPA alerted the FDA to the efficacy of ivermectin from which point on came the smear campaign (horse tranquilizer anyone?).

There could be no EUA for any novel 'countermeasure' if there was a known effective treatment.

Interestingly research from Madagascar showed that artemesia annua (Chinese wormwood) was equally effective. (This is also traditionally an antiparasitic - so possibly a similiar mechanism).

L Lysine was also an effective treatment.

That's some cocktail that girl is on. Probably no need for most of it to my mind.

I'd monitor the Vit D with bloods.. Magnesium will raise the blood level. I'd also make sure there is adequate K2 to ensure the Vit D doesn't mobilize calcium to soft tissue..

I'd be very slow to take iron in an inflammatory or infectious state. The body will naturally sequester iron away so as to minimize the Fenton reaction (iron catalyzes hydroxyl radical production)

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deletedMar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave
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I think everyone deals with things differently. Mayara is facing very serious concerns now re fertility

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Your level of compassion knows no bounds.

This brave lady (a healthcare worker) has put her most intimate details out there for all to see and you don’t believe her. Really?

Coercion, propaganda? The threat of losing your employment, a foreign national, a very Ill young woman may just not been well enough to make a report to the HPRA. By the way, it’s the GP and or the myriad of other medical people that should be reporting to the HPRA on this poor victims behalf. Shame on you for questioning this woman who is obviously struggling every day. #triggered

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Thanks Tom. Agree re HPRA.

If readers can put themselves in the shoes of vaccine injured even for a moment then we've got somewhere. I know it's a difficult topic for everyone.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I never said I don’t believe her so you’ve taken me up wrong there, I’ve been following Louise’s stories and I support the vaccine injured, I completely believe her that she is vaccine injured. What I was struggling with mainly and maybe I didn’t word so well was after suffering all these effects she concludes to say they are still safe for most people, that’s the part I can’t understand, she appears to feel some sort of obligation to say they are safe for most people when clearly these vaccines aren’t safe . She has been hugely let down by the medical profession in Ireland and I do sympathise with her.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I’m Janet, one of those featured this week. We have been almost programmed to apologise for our injuries and say we are “rare” to get consultants to hear us, they immediately put us in a category of “anti vax “ in their heads, I mean what they see as anti vax, it’s incredibly sad that we have to communicate this way to be heard and yes the reporting should be on their side. It takes a lot for us to do these stories as most of us now also have medical PTSD. Thank you all for your support and compassion. It’s been refreshing to say the least x

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

It’s terrible that’s how they’ve made you feel, the need to apologise for your injuries, you should be able to shout it from the rooftops what has happened. I deleted my original comment as I genuinely don’t want to cause any offence to the woman and I wish her well.

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I agree, we are trying to shout, some of us for over two years now but those who need to hear us cover their ears. Pls keep sharing and shouting with us. Thanks

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