
Gill left this comment on yesterday's article in this series:

"It's heartbreaking to read these stories. I live on Dublin/Meath border and if I can be of any help to Janet or anyone else suffering like this I'll give my number to Louise. Don't ever feel alone there's lots of us here who would like to help in whatever way we can. x"

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Again, the denial of the medical profession is quite astounding. Not even prepared to consider a likely possibility while grasping at the most unlikely straws. This kind of thing didn't start with Covid but ratcheted up to such incredible proportions that the whole training regimen of doctors must be called into question. It is positively robotic, zombified even. I hope today's medical students are taking note.

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Hope so too!

Imagine not being believed? :(

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The Medical profession in this country is completely and utterly captured.

Spineless, gutless shills.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

That is just horrific. I hope every one of these quack doctors faces criminal charges .

(I will help Marie pro bono if she wants - I'm in natural medicine)

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That's very kind of you. I'll let her know about your comment.

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So kind of you, we may have a queue of injured from our support group for you. I’m sure Marie is very grateful for the support. Janet

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Anyone else notice the roll out of the HSE ad on RTE lately?

The one covering Menopause?

I thought to myself immediately, What's your angle here, you conniving state sponsred trash.

Why the sudden interest in womens health?

I had my suspicions.

The first column in this article, where the doctor corellates the adverse reaction to menopause, as opposed to the injection, answers my question.

Thanks Louise, and keep it up. I'm surprised your Substack is not blowing up with likes and comments.

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Haha, you should see my FB page. Tumbleweed!

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Interesting, I just noticed that this morning and one of the girls in the ad was quite young, too young for the norms of menopausal age. Programming us again. 🤨

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Now you have it.

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I'm afraid 'trash' is a very apt description. At this stage, they have no redeeming qualities.

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We don't need them redeemed.

We need them held accountable and then GONE.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

There is nothing worse than pain in your head, from someone who suffers with sinus and head pain quite regularly I can sympathise. The vibration and noise in your head sounds truly awful. My sympathies are with you Marie. Again, the medical profession showing themselves to be a disgrace gas lighting these people, I’m not even a bit surprised anymore.

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Ivermectin de activates spike protein.

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Louise. These articles are incredible, and so vitally important. I am absolutely full of admiration for your work, and the brave stance you have taken in risking your career and professional reputation. My heart goes out to all the brave people who have spoken out and I am full of disgust when they describe their appalling treatment from so many in the medical profession. I've noticed quite a few references to the HPV vaccine in these stories. My husband wrote quite an involved piece about the roll out of this vaccine in India and the damage it did to young girls there. This piece got some limited attention in alt media back in May 2021 but was largely ignored elsewhere. I thought your readers might find it informative. Here is the link to the article: https://notesfromthenewnormal.com/?p=339

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