Letter to the Editor of Irish Examiner (just sent) Dear Sir,

Your recent article by Paul Hosford employs incendiary, biased and discrimminatory language that ignores and obscures Dr. Billy Ralph's courageous and informed presentation to the Dail, under TD Sharon Keogan's WHO pandemic treaty panel. Ignored are glaring facts about vaccine injury and fatality. Dismissing the presented information with the labels 'far right' and 'anti vaccination', is myopic, misinformed and delusory. More than five million adverse reactions logged in just three years of covid vaccine circulation. That is a fact that needs to be reported by your journalists.

There are real, and very concerning reasons for vaccine hesitancy.

Yours etc

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Good on you Siofra!

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They won’t publish it though

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Did you get any acknowledgement/ reply?

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Just the automatic one. I will write again in light of what this consultant is saying.

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Well reported Louise, as usual one of the best truth seekers and Billy for getting this vital platform to start the roll back of lies and deceit of what was the Covid pathogenicity hoax and the criminally insane Governments response to a very low pathogenic virus diagnosed by means of a total sham over cycled PCR test . The attendance is significant showing the whips were used to keep even the inquisitive away . Hugely significant and will in the long run work against their agenda as proof of their mendacity and fear of the truth leaking out . Thanks to the whips this will assume greater historical significance. So stupid but I never felt we were up against anything other than the lowest common denominator .

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Hope you're right Gerry!

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I am right believe me .

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The excess deaths are something like as follows

2021 - 14%

2022 - 18%

2023 - 19%

and so far in 2024, it is 15%.

It is a silent genocide.

The injuries are mounting. I am in Kickboxing club and a running club. We've had a number of heart issues. One guy got CPR, 2 others with myocarditis. A couple with auto-immune injuries.

Regards deaths in family, friends, work colleagues etc, we had 16 deaths in 4 months in 2022.

Our politicians that coerced people are responsible. The media pushed the coercion and the narrative.

They are responsible and will be held to account in the next life and hopefully in this life too.

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While I would love to see the politicians and bureaucrats in the defendants' dock in the Nuremberg 2 trials, I would much rather see the planners, the puppet-masters who controlled, bribed, blackmailed, etc. our politicians.

If these miscreants are left unfettered, we will very soon find ourselves in the same quandary much too soon in the future.

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For sure we will.

What we know for 4 years has to be considered as nothing more than a " probing attack " just to sound the nature and intensity of resistances.

TPTB has gathered all informations required to launch the next attack which should be a real bloody one.

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When you consider that our ruling class have not only successfully pulled off a global genocide with total, and I mean TOTAL, complete impunity, and when you likewise consider that they are still prosecuting this democide unimpeded, to this very day... you can well imagine that they by now have to be thinking that they can get away with pretty much anything.

Yes indeed, the next one is going to be extremely deadly and multi-faceted.

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The only way to stop this madness dead in its tracks is a complete and total but pacific strike.

TPTB controls almost everything but they can not anything when facing a total strike.

Make every dwelling, village, city looking emptier than a cemetery .

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Unfortunately, too many zombies, too many refuse to see the obvious democide, as people are getting sick all around them, as they are getting sick, as people are dying in greater numbers.

So long as the majority won't accept reality, I'm not sure how we can stop it. The only way I can see for now is information, waking up more people, we're doing well in that more people are smelling the rat, but the numbers are still not enough.

The other problem is that over the past 3-4 years, the psychopaths have been purging militaries, police, probably the Intel agencies as well, of all people of moral conviction and/or courage, so all that is left in these services/forces are spineless yes-men, craven people of no morals nor principles, people of no real-world abilities who are given authority that they are completely unfit to be entrusted with, such as our "health authorities" of the past few years, people who will expeditiously commit any number of crimes against humanity just as quickly as a policy of unknown origins is placed upon their desks.

These are forces of evil that we will not so easily defeat, since as I mentioned, all the good people have, and are still, systematically being purged from all manner of professions, leaving only rot or arse-coverers left behind to proxy-rule over us on behalf of our ruling class who, by doing it this way, by technicality, are "keeping their hands clean" by getting these minions to do their dirty work.

Sad state of affairs. I can only hope to be proven wrong.

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Isint it quiet amazing that they can just silence people by throwing a few names at them such as anti vaxxers, anti makers, and far right.

If name calling makes them self censor then they might as well give up now because they are paving the road with their silence to a world that wont ge worth living in.

A world they have contributed to by their own making.

Well done all concerned in this lanister house presentation and thank you as always louise 🙏

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It's too important at this stage. Ridiculous carry on. Thanks Elizabeth

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I suspect Ireland would vote for the IHR amendment because the overwhelming majority of the country cheered on the Covid restrictions and will abide by anything that has "vaccine" on the label, so if this treaty meant more vaccines they'd be all for it. And this breaks my heart.

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Yes mine too

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Thank you for this reporting! Let’s also not forget that Novartis, AbbVie, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Sanofi, Lilly, Bayer, Merck, Roche, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb and many other Pharma companies all have significant operations in Ireland. Apparently, all they have to do is pull out their fiddles and tin whistles and most members of the Oireachtas are happy to lead their constituents in a stepdance off the Cliffs of Moher.

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people of the uk as im sure you know by now the petition for the uk to end its membership of the who now has over the 100000 signature target figure to get it debated in parliament........and surely the correct thing to have done would have been force our point home even further by way of many more signatures i was most hopeful that the signature count would go through the roof and in so doing would cause many more to join our cause....i must confess to an abatement in my hopes as what do i find a very apparent state of apathy a sense of slacking off a satisfaction of reaching the target figure having done the bare minimum and being content with that and not being prepared to go the EXTRA mile.....PEOPLE HEAR ME AND HEAR ME WELL THIS IS A SERIOUS MISTAKE.....YOU CAN GUARANTEE THAT THE WHO WONT BE RESTING ON THERE LAURELS

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The Irish Examiner article does make an oblique reference to the 5M+ adverse events logged in the Vigiaccess database, quote:

'A 2023 Agence France Presse fact check said that posts from Ms Lawrie on Twitter were wrongly using stats around adverse vaccine effects.

Timothy Mackey, director of the Global Health Policy and Data Institute, said Lawrie's posts are the latest to selectively use adverse event reporting data "to amplify concerns about (the) safety of vaccines". '

The second sentence above is word-for-word taken from this article: https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33FG4ZC that "factchecks" a May 13th, 2023 viral tweet from Dr Lawrie in which she said "More than 5M Covid #Vaccine injuries and deaths on Vigiaccess".

Incredibly, the WHO's rebuttal in an emailed statement on May 19th was to say:

"Confirming a causal relationship is a complex process that requires a thorough scientific assessment and detailed evaluation" and (as per the article) "the WHO said it has observed similar spikes after the introduction of other vaccines".

It simply beggars belief that other vaccines have caused similar spikes and not been pulled from distribution. Surely, long before the 5M figure was reached, the ethical thing to do should have been to suspend the roll out of the Covid vaccines, and then carry out a thorough assessment to confirm whether there's a causal relationship. The WHO's official position appears to be that no causal relationship exists because they haven't bothered to carry out a proper assessment!

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Thanks for this comment! Yes - your last line - that appears to be the issue.

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Just a reminder! Mistakes were/are NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/

How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps

...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....

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thanks for these links

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Excellent blog Louise🙏

It’s fantastic the way the truth is bursting forth✅👊

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Can the footage be uploaded elsewhere so we can download and share it?

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Hi Tommy I don't have anywhere else to upload it to, so for the minute just share the post I guess

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God Bless you Dr Billy Ralph, & all of your Brave Colleagues who chose to "take care of your patients" properly, during the Covid Debacle! The sick minded Power Hungry Men & Women who forced these atrocities upon mankind must be held accountable!! Families denied the basic right of being with a 'Loved One' prior to their passing...appalling, disgusting behaviour by those issuing mandates!! Thank you to Louise for recording this. We appreciate knowing as much as we can possibly learn, from around the world. Warm Wishes, from QLD, Australia.

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Now the mass of information is being presented, there is no doubt that the Covid affair has been a disaster, and the WHO is not a friend of the people.

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Shared this with as many as I can

It all ends when we say No More

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Louise Health Freedom Ireland are putting a whole new section upon our website to cover the WHO Treaty & the IHR's. So we'll be uploading lots of video footage including your super article to our platform. Watch this space & check out our website www.healthfreedomireland.com

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Great stuff Maeve thanks

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Well done Louise and colleagues for your brave efforts in exposing this corruption.

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Thanks 🙏

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