Excellent letter from him. Billy's sources to inform himself were the same as my own at the time. I'm surprised The Indo published the letter particularly with the refs to vax injuries and excess deaths. Slowly, slowly the Overton window is moving. RTE & Holohan behaviour in last week leads me to think they are convinced of their invincibility.
We are in the midst of a global war in which so far at least 17 million of us have been killed. The Irish Times along with many other cabal run media conglomerates are key elements in this ongoing slaughter. Without them people wouldn't have been spellbound with fear porn over the last 40 odd months and these 17m people would not have died. These malignant propaganda factories are profoundly evil but are also centres of highly sophisticated psychological operations. I have no doubt that in years to come the very building itself will be raised to the ground in acknowledgement of the many lives it helped destroy but in the meantime any belief that the 'Letters Page' of the Irish Times is a legitimate commonage where the tsunami of grief that is on the way can be expressed shows how successful the ongoing psyops continue to be. Allowing the Irish Times to ingratiate itself into the centre of our discourse is laying the groundwork for future deaths.
Alas the reality of the situation regarding harms caused and harms coming down the line, including heart issues, blood clots, turbo cancers and more are horrific.
Politicians, Media and bulk of the medical establishment, failed to do BASIC due diligence and
promoted an untested, highly toxic, experimental gene technology military bioweapon, 'counter measure' aka 'jabs' - the healthy were 'locked down' (military lingo) and so forth.
We are still in early stages of a global pre planned depopulation genocide.
It is shocking that such large percentage of people in Ireland and worldwide rolled up sleeves
to take this toxic mystery 'kool aid' laced with toxic graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide/nano razor blades, mRNA & Mod RNA (memory and modified), DNA particles, lipid nano particles, parasites and highly advanced nano technology. all for a rebranded flu that was harmless to
99% of people.
Klaus Schwab laughs that the 'willing' participants in this experiment are on the road to transhumanizing themselves from divine beings to 'owned' GMO products, laced with bioweapon nano particles that spread around their bodies and across the blood brain barrier.
This is not hubris or speculation but hard science. Check the many excellent substack authors,
Dr Peter McCullough, Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Jane Ruby, Stew Peters,
Ana Maria Mihalcea, David Nixon,, La Quinta Columna, -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, Sage Hanna,
Mark Crispin Miller, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ray Horvath, Kieran Morrissey , Dr Vernon Coleman and on and on...
The covid/convid scam/plandemic is the biggest genocidal ongoing crime in history...
Those who 'drank the kool aid' took the bioweapon/counter measure 'jab' have been sold
down the river by a conglomerate of wilfully neglect, lily livered traitors to Ireland and humanity.
I expect our ancestors are mightily disappointed by the pathetic, inept , treasonous 'leaders' , media and the 'establishment' that sold the people of Ireland down the river and into the zombie apocalypse.
Those who have promoted this genocide that is now clear for all to see, need to stand down or be removed and held accountable.
It's all very well to go around telling the truth and being true to your calling/ profession, but again I ask you what about Pfizer's share value? Does anyone even stop to think about that? Pure selfishness is what it is...
Well, someone had to play the villain and Tony Holohan fit the bill. Look at his stellar track record: 80 childrens lives ruined by Pandemrix in 2009, the Cervical Cancer scandal that took out another bunch of women in 2015, and the coup de gras in 2020: Injecting an experimental concoction into the arms of millions of unsuspecting adults and children resulting in absolute carnage. I say give the man a medal for solving the Irish overpopulation and climate crises all in one go.
...informative article, thanks Louise ...the suggestion comes to mind that the virtuous Dr Ralph is indeed one of the most significant and transparent ghosts in the machine that is the body of modern health care...he radiates truth which virtually emanates from him...
Yes it is Louise, just listened to the interview and it just uplifted my spirits no end, Dr Ralph was a shining light during the dark days. Wishing him every happiness and success in the future
Well done Dr Billy. A man of high integrity.
Excellent letter from him. Billy's sources to inform himself were the same as my own at the time. I'm surprised The Indo published the letter particularly with the refs to vax injuries and excess deaths. Slowly, slowly the Overton window is moving. RTE & Holohan behaviour in last week leads me to think they are convinced of their invincibility.
An inspirational man. I hope this helps break the dam
We are in the midst of a global war in which so far at least 17 million of us have been killed. The Irish Times along with many other cabal run media conglomerates are key elements in this ongoing slaughter. Without them people wouldn't have been spellbound with fear porn over the last 40 odd months and these 17m people would not have died. These malignant propaganda factories are profoundly evil but are also centres of highly sophisticated psychological operations. I have no doubt that in years to come the very building itself will be raised to the ground in acknowledgement of the many lives it helped destroy but in the meantime any belief that the 'Letters Page' of the Irish Times is a legitimate commonage where the tsunami of grief that is on the way can be expressed shows how successful the ongoing psyops continue to be. Allowing the Irish Times to ingratiate itself into the centre of our discourse is laying the groundwork for future deaths.
Alas the reality of the situation regarding harms caused and harms coming down the line, including heart issues, blood clots, turbo cancers and more are horrific.
Politicians, Media and bulk of the medical establishment, failed to do BASIC due diligence and
promoted an untested, highly toxic, experimental gene technology military bioweapon, 'counter measure' aka 'jabs' - the healthy were 'locked down' (military lingo) and so forth.
We are still in early stages of a global pre planned depopulation genocide.
It is shocking that such large percentage of people in Ireland and worldwide rolled up sleeves
to take this toxic mystery 'kool aid' laced with toxic graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide/nano razor blades, mRNA & Mod RNA (memory and modified), DNA particles, lipid nano particles, parasites and highly advanced nano technology. all for a rebranded flu that was harmless to
99% of people.
Klaus Schwab laughs that the 'willing' participants in this experiment are on the road to transhumanizing themselves from divine beings to 'owned' GMO products, laced with bioweapon nano particles that spread around their bodies and across the blood brain barrier.
This is not hubris or speculation but hard science. Check the many excellent substack authors,
Dr Peter McCullough, Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Jane Ruby, Stew Peters,
Ana Maria Mihalcea, David Nixon,, La Quinta Columna, -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, Sage Hanna,
Mark Crispin Miller, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ray Horvath, Kieran Morrissey , Dr Vernon Coleman and on and on...
The covid/convid scam/plandemic is the biggest genocidal ongoing crime in history...
Those who 'drank the kool aid' took the bioweapon/counter measure 'jab' have been sold
down the river by a conglomerate of wilfully neglect, lily livered traitors to Ireland and humanity.
I expect our ancestors are mightily disappointed by the pathetic, inept , treasonous 'leaders' , media and the 'establishment' that sold the people of Ireland down the river and into the zombie apocalypse.
Those who have promoted this genocide that is now clear for all to see, need to stand down or be removed and held accountable.
This is a key interview with veteran 30 year reporter Vatican reporter Robert Moynihan
Did the IT print that?
Not yet, it was sent to them this morning
There are few people to whom you could apply the word "Legend"
Billy Ralph is one of them.
It's all very well to go around telling the truth and being true to your calling/ profession, but again I ask you what about Pfizer's share value? Does anyone even stop to think about that? Pure selfishness is what it is...
Giving me the giggles
Well, someone had to play the villain and Tony Holohan fit the bill. Look at his stellar track record: 80 childrens lives ruined by Pandemrix in 2009, the Cervical Cancer scandal that took out another bunch of women in 2015, and the coup de gras in 2020: Injecting an experimental concoction into the arms of millions of unsuspecting adults and children resulting in absolute carnage. I say give the man a medal for solving the Irish overpopulation and climate crises all in one go.
Thank you Dr Ralph, excellent as always. JK
...informative article, thanks Louise ...the suggestion comes to mind that the virtuous Dr Ralph is indeed one of the most significant and transparent ghosts in the machine that is the body of modern health care...he radiates truth which virtually emanates from him...
Seemingly Dr Billy Ralph will be on Tipp FM tomorrow morning talking about excess deaths and the recent OECD report
Thanks David. Great that he is finally getting an opportunity to discuss his view on things.
Yes it is Louise, just listened to the interview and it just uplifted my spirits no end, Dr Ralph was a shining light during the dark days. Wishing him every happiness and success in the future
Feels like a weight lifted somehow, doesn't it?
Yes it sure does! God bless Dr Ralph and all the good Dr’s who knew it was all nasty
Clearly a man of intelligence, Critical thinking skills, integrity and that thing absent in practically everyone these days, Courage!
Thank you for your Courage. I listened to the same Cancelled scientists and came to the same conclusion.