great post as usual.

i wonder how much USAID funds the irish lamestream media have been in receipt of?

the only solace is the EU project is going the way of the dodo at an increasing rate thanks in part to the US pulling the plug. The maggot queen frau der leyen and her stooges will no doubt double down but the writing is on the wall. No army, no energy, no real manufacturing, no fertility- a minor character on the global stage as the world accelerates into a multipolar order comprised of China, Russia and the US at the table.

And of course Ireland would have to be the most exposed (with Holland) in terms of debt. Without the ECB backing we are a banana republic.

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Todays Ireland and her institutions are unrecognisable from those of the country I grew up in. We urgently need a DOGE and someone with the cahones to make it work. Our politicians with a few exceptions are utterly complicit. Matty McGrath and Carol Nolan are lone voices, and Sharon Keoghan in the Seanad. That's not good enough folks. Thanks Louise.

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Well said Anne

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no better woman! (than yourself)

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This is brutal totalitarianism in action🤮

All organs for State are complicit in destroying our Constitution and all rights granted to us by God👊

The Preamble to our Constitution, only given to us in 1937 after 100’s of years of genocide and oppression is ignored by all of them who have become draconian dictators👊

But as the capitulation on Covid proved Irish people have lost their faith and their courage😭

Unless we wake up and realise that our Government no longer care about the electorate we will be destroyed👊 The Politicians, media are weak puppets for the global criminals seeking to wipe out humanity or totally enslave us😈

But it’s our own fault for losing faith. Only a return to strong faith in families and communities can save us from this terror campaign🙏

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Great article. I think it is important to remember that the vast majority of people in Ireland are on board with the agenda, are utterly brainwashed and fully 'stockholmed'. Most of the employment in Ireland is within Gov.t, tech and pharma - who is going to bite the hand that feeds it? I don't know how but we have to find a way to get a deeper reach and to re-/connect people with what it is to be human and to be Irish. Our culture is being obliterated and a police state foisted on us and most haven't even noticed, we know but how do we get the rest to see it?

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Just says what we are being FED by the ‘media’…

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Tyranny is running rampant in Ireland.

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Unbelievable !! But then again , no surprise

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‘Establishment Ireland’ is at war with its people. God forgive them.

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Great Post, Louise. The comparison with the phone tapping scandal of the 80's is necessary and apt. The technology has moved on but human nature has not changed. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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Thank you Louise

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Sure we might as well just move to North Korea.

Are any of our "leaders" paying any attention to the Constitution, or asking for advice from the Attorney General? Apparently not.

Thanks Louise.

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Press council, civil liberties etc, what a bunch of cowards.

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We can't trust the gardai when there head honcho drew harris is a loyalist who showed his contempt for irish people when his minions battered peaceful protestors in coolock last year he's a lowlife who should not be in charge of the gardai

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He is also a Freemason, the oath he took specifically swears he is not a member of such an organisation.

He is a liar and a puppet. Who is the puppet master? It’s not the gombeens in the Irish government for sure.

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