
We in Ireland are very short on honest journalism. Thankfully we have Louise Roseingrave and Aisling O Laughlin and Tom Walsh who are leading the way out of darkness into light.

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deletedMay 5, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave
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Ann I'm so sorry.

It's awful, everything you've gone through. Cases like this are exactly what I had in mind going through the protocols. Your local coroner and the health staff involved need to be made aware. I'm happy to help you with that if you wish.

May God forgive those that mocked you. That's a hard stance to come back from. Take care for now.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Echo that about those leading the way with some integrity in their reporting. Re the table in the article it would be good if this was also expressed on a per capita basis if that info is available. How have the relative populations changed in each county since 2019 for example. ? Mortality percentages should be related to population. eg Donegal near the bottom has less population than (say) Co Waterford. Same for Cavan and Monaghan.

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Thanks, that makes sense

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May 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the highest covid vaccinated county Waterford now has the highest excess deaths and the lowest covid vaccinated county Donegal has the lowest excess deaths. They didn’t want control groups, they didn’t want us to be able to highlight comparisons, they’ve done their best to avoid having useable data but the truth always finds a way out, the dots are joined, the picture is clear and still many people don’t want to see it. Thanks Louise for again highlighting what’s going on.

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Well done.

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Thanks for the share Abby

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May 6, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Whilst there seems to be a protocol in place for those who are suspected of losing their lives from the jab, there is no such protocol on place for those who are injured from the jab. Gross negligence by the Government. May those who died during this period for whatever reason, rest in peace. 🙏

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Sickening indeed.

Thanks Tom

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May 6, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Well done, Louise. Excellent reporting, as usual.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Brilliant piece Louise, Well done.

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Well done Louise. It is intriguing that Waterford which was noted to have the highest case rate during a period in 2021 now has the highest excess mortality. I commend Denis Cusack on publishing a protocol for suspicious deaths but he declines to include the need for immunohistochemistry for spike protein as per Prof Arne Burkhardt's protocol which I shared with him via email almost a year ago. Perhaps he is being coy and considering under his "toxicology" heading?

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Hi Pat. I'd say his report predates any of that as the publication date is April 2021. It's a protocol developed by a US organisation in early days of v roll out so I'm not sure how much was known?

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Fair enough, I suppose. I wonder does he know the Einstein quote;"When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do Sir?" Prof Burkhardt has much factual material evidence on the association between the mRNA and deaths.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Hi Louise, thank you for an another excellent article. The chart on excess deaths throws up some anomalies. Yes, Co. Waterford was the most highly vaxxed county in Ireland at one stage, so such a high level of excess deaths may not be surprising but how does one explain that Co. Wexford was at that same period the 4th highest vaxx county, but now has 4th lowest excess death rate? Could it have something to do with the fact that RIP.ie often lists someone at least twice, sometimes 3 and 4 times, depending on how often they have moved home in their lifetimes. Were multiple listing taken into account? What are the other reasons for the anomaly?

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023Author

Geraldine: The researcher kindly replied to your query with the following:

"Duplicates were removed for each county. There will be duplicates across counties say where a person is listed in two counties but these are so small that they would only affect the figures marginally. Patrick E Walsh who has forensically studied the figures for Kilkenny has confirmed the figures for Kilkenny are correct. The reasons why Waterford and Wexford differ could be multiple. There may be less people in Wexford that got the first round and second boosters compared to Waterford. The demographics like age, sex , population growth etc might be different for both counties. CSO will have this data. Some people are suggesting blood types and genetic factors count when it comes to mortality from these shots. Like people who are prone to heart disease and cancer. Many say they are designed to attack the genetic weakness in an individual. Time will only tell. What is important now is that people stop taking these and demand an investigation into these figures. "

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Louise, many thanks for taking my comment seriously and thanks as well to the researcher for replying. I concur with the possible reasons for the apparent divergence between Wexford and Waterford, and agree that it is important the treatment is stopped. My concern is that until the figures are investigated in greater detail, Waterford and Wexford figures appear to detract from the argument that excess deaths are caused by the treatment. Until we can link them in a way that persuades enough people, the treatment won't stop and no attempt will be made to save lives amongst those who took the treatment.

In a cul de sac I know of:

1 house...sudden death...no history of heart issues.

2nd house myocarditis/ pericarditis

3rd house 2 different forms of breast cancer in same woman at same time

4th house lung and heart issues

5th house pacemaker fitted in slim, very fit, previously healthy 43 yr old which might solve the problem.

6th house unvaxxed

It's a disaster!!!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Thank you Louise for your informative post.

WRT Geraldine`s question. I have done an analysis on the RIP data for the month of Jan for 2020 to 2023 . My findings - 2020 (3134 persons) 2021 (4356)

2022 (3314) 2023 (4372)

It is time consuming due to the way they make the listings, so to ensure I was comparing like with like I used the following methodology

> Where a deceased was listed for two or more counties I did not double or triple up.

> I excluded a person who died in the six counties

> Also a person may be listed as say Co. Mayo but on expanding the details of the death/ arrangements etc you learn that the person died in UK or US etc so these are included in the above numbers. In order to exclude these I would have to open every name and that is too time consuming. I suspect this is a low number. Also I know that some deceased are not listed on this site. Maye these cancel each other.

> So for the 4 Jans I am comparing like with like, but being only human (male), there will be some error factor which should be negligible.

I don`t know how useful these numbers are but there is a striking difference between 2020 and 2022 with 2021 and 2023

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Thanks Daithi for all your work. That's really interesting re your 2021 & 2023 figures.

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Thanks Geraldine.

Yes multiple listings are taken into account - I've put your q to the researcher directly as they can explain the methodology better than I.

The reason for the anomalies you raise could be vaccine batches - some are known to have thrown up significantly more injuries. Researchers in the states are following this. Will be back to you hopefully re above. L

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Worth an article in itself Pat that topic what do you think

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