Great reporting as usual. It looks like this is the way it's going to continue - from one 'deadly' disease to another that will all result in the need to test and jab everybody.

I am of an age when all kids got measles (and mumps, chicken pox and scarlet fever) yet I don't remember these diseases being so 'dangerous' except in very rare cases. Now, 60 years later, despite all the advancements in medicine it seems that every illness is a threat to life and limb.

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Thanks Humbug.

Did you read the comment above re the frightened child? Sickening stuff.

I got the MMR as a child in school followed by a sugar lump and spent the next ten days sick in bed with measles!

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Total scaremongering to push the needles who’s testing was redacted into people , yes I’m also of an age where it was common to get these child illnesses , so that our immune system would have the ability to fight them ! Which is the best form of defence !!! And not the needling , as that has its own risks ,

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It’s equal parts chilling/hilarious how obviously the fascist-media-delivery-system spews lies upon the face of the public now to push an agenda. I truly find it hard to believe the levels of gullibility out there.

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I'm losing patience with them. That's after four years choosing understanding & empathy

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The man died from a heart attack due to heart disease and his family are furious that his death is being used to sell vaccinations. Once RTE said "death WITH measles" we knew they were lying anyway.

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Do you know the family personally Robin? If so can you put me in touch with them?

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It would be interesting to know which diagnostic method was used to determine measles. I wonder if they used the PCR diagnostic tool.

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Is there a PCR test for measles Eleanor?

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Hi Louise,

The inventor of the PCR , Cary Mullis, is on video record stating the the PCR technology is not for diagnosing disease. It is a magnification tool and depending on the level of magnification you can make it find anything. Unfortunately Mr. Mullis passed away in 2019 just before the pandemic was initiated. Great work as usual Louise.

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Yes , there is unfortunately

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Most interesting. Do please share more info if you can?

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My child got a letter today from school from the Hse stating that : "On 7th Feb the Hsa reported the death of an adult with confirmed measles". Child came home worried about dying of measles. Unreal!

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Hse not hsa sorry!

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That's actually sinister. No children should be subject to this scare mongering.

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Absolutely. They started handing over hse letters routinely during covid and it hasn't stopped. Last one was on flu jabs. Most creepy thing of all was M. Martin sending a video (via the class app everyone has now) a year or maybe longer ago. We were instructed to show it to our kids as he was "granting" all kids in Ireland a day off homework. I couldn't stomach watching it and certainly didn't show it. Proper rat catcher stuff.

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I wonder is there a way to protect your child in school from this creepiness.

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If mine were all tiny I'd homeschool 100%. Over the last few years I see a huge difference in the pushing of boundaries in the schools between who is the actual parent of the child. And the willingness of parents to allow the schools to takeover when it comes to guidance or any sort be it critical thinking or moral guidance is actually shocking. This year all across the country primary school kids books are provided by the schools and in most instances they don't take them home at all, not even for homework, so you'd literally have no idea what's in them. My child's ones are all the old curriculum still. I also see a huge push to label kids as dyslexia/dyspraxic/adhd etc. It's a minefield in there!!

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I agree. Kids and young people are living in through a very difficult time. The adults running the show seem to be blind to the harms being done to our youngsters. It is heartbreaking.

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Watch this video compilation to see how measles was viewed back in the day, ie a benign childhood illness.


I am in the middle of writing up about measles for the Health Freedom Ireland website and am fascinated to discover that contracting measles has many benefits to ones health! It can protect against allergies, cancer, Parkinson's disease and heart disease in later life.

Also of note is that there are many measles breakouts in fully vaccinated populations, so vaccine cannot guarantee protection.

The article, when ready, will be fully referenced and will have links to the full MMR Vaccine document.

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