Dec 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

I’m having a hard time believing the incident happened at all but then we have to believe there is an apparatus in place to cover the lies - hospital, Gardai, gov. Seems we have British involvement too.

So much of it is fishy. You brought up some interesting new info there about the wounds and writing on the bus. Yep, staged. Two other children were stabbed and we’re supposed to forget about them entirely.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Yes. Important for us all to remember that staging/orchestration and actual death are not mutually exclusive.

This article importantly documents much of the recent lies and gaslighting by politicians and media, thanks Louise.

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I understand why you won’t say it but the first part of your article is all the evidence needed for a free thinking person to evaluate that this was a staged event. It’s not like we don’t have dozens of other staged events to recognise the MO.

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A part of me wonders if some group such as GLADIO is involved and considering how dark and psychotic the present Irish regiem is already this would be a natural step for them.

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Never heard of GLADIO. Now I'm on a new learning curve :)

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Webster Griffin Tarpley wrote a good book about it and the murder of Aldo Moro

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Phenomenal article Louise. With all the garbage I have read since, it’s refreshing to see such a sober account of the events of a fortnight ago, which we are all still trying to make sense of. Will share.

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thanks for that Stephen

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No thank you, it was badly needed. A lot of thought went into this article and it is done in the correct spirit. Too many making wild claims, rather than just posing questions and bouncing the onus back on the media to substantiate. They are the ones who are paid to do this job. We are better waiting and then picking them apart rather than taking the lead ourselves. This was a temptation some people couldn’t resist and it played right into the interests of establishment. Your article shows great balance and poise and addresses the anomalies in the proper fashion by asking reasonable questions. This article will play its part in correcting the imbalance created by the hysteria surrounding the media blackout. Well done, probably the best piece I’ve read all year.

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Okay wow, thanks for that. I hope so

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

That's great stuff Louise.

The story has been carefully choreographed from an early stage. As soon as the media realised the attacker was foreign they needed a foreign hero in order to control the narrative and they seized on the deliveroo driver. No doubt he is indeed a hero yet he was catapulted to the main role ahead of the Irish crèche worker who was grievously injured protecting the children and the other Irish man who, I believe, intervened at an earlier point but remained unnamed and unchampioned for some time.

Your connection to the Savita Halapannavar case and its immense impact on the Repeal referendum is astute. The media and the State both realise the power of a narrative to shape public opinion - it is a million times more powerful than all the facts and figures in the world so controlling those narratives is now the most important tool in their arsenal.

With the right story, you can change the mind of a whole country overnight.

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Choreographed yes certainly seems that way... thanks Damian

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Jan 8Liked by Louise Roseingrave

The Tuam 'babies in the septic tank' myth is another such narrative which is held with religious fervor by true believers, but has no basis in fact.

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Quite the yarn, that one.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Justice Minister Helen McEntee backed off on the proposed hate speech? bill earlier this year, but assured us it would go forward in the fall. I made a note of that and so - not surprised that it is happening, but w o w not like this.

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I know. Please God this little girl pulls through

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This is the best piece of investigative jounalism of 2023.

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Hi Thomas! I dont think so, but thanks!

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I know so!

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The media lie. They act in collusion with other forces of the State to dupe the public. That is their role.

This is not to decry honest journalists or gardai who strive for truth and justice. But they are part of an evil system and sooner or later that reality becomes impossible to ignore.

What then?

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Good question!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Probably the best article you've written, and that is saying something. This needs to be shared everywhere. Brilliant work Louise

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Aw thank you

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Our nation is under an iron grid of deception.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Perfect timing for the publishing of a very well written and researched exploration into Irish media manipulation , well done Louise !

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thank you Sarah

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Absolutely Brilliant Louise well done . I was laughing in disgust at the whole lot of them , msm, gardi, and all the other fucking actors . Now I think this tune says it all for me


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thanks, tune!

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Worth waiting for Louise, savage.

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thank you

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Keep her lit.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Poppycock! British Intelligence are far too busy in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere to be staging false flag events in Dublin. Do you really think Ireland is worth that much to The City? You Irish are so amusing, if at times also bloody irritating. We should have finished off the job in 1847. Right, I'm off to shoot a few peasants to calm the nerves.

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Pheasants, surely!

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Yes indeed- Pheasants. I keep mixing them up. My butler Geoffrey is constantly reminding me. He's always getting worked up over details..

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Louise Roseingrave

Excellent article, thank you. Personally I think that they are trying to cause social unrest, basically based on race, creed, colour, religion, culture etc.... "out of chaos comes order" and all that AND NO; I do not believe everything I read.

Like a previous comment I made somewhere, the somewhere; the same "play" of the same part of the overall agenda chapter is being played out in other Countries - not exactly the same, but close enough that if you look; you will find.

PS "Is it a coincidence then, that there is no clear definition of ‘hate’ in the Hate Speech bill?" ... STARTLING POINT and one that I had not connected the dots to. Cheers.

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Yes I think so. Division as a method to drive people mad. Thanks for reading Bob

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