Much to digest and more to come. The causation chain is clear enough even if the wriggle room is such that an open verdict is likely with the usual recommendations that will fade into the mists of time. But maybe this coroner is made of sterner stuff. In so many respects, this remote part of Ireland reveals all the fault lines at the time in the wider world of medicine.
Firstly RIP Joseph McGinty and my deepest condolences to the family and friends.
I shall add a link to what I have just watched at the end... and you will understand my frustration and anger at the moment.. but first - more on this poor lad's death and for once I know what I am talking about.
This doctor speaking has no idea what he is on about, apart from what he was told to gob off. So let us start with "Addison's disease" WHICH I ALSO HAVE AS A SIDE-EFFECT of something called "hypopituitarism" due to the doctors blasting my pituitary gland with radiation, during cancer treatment (NPC and NO I have not had the jab) .. anyway blah blah and hold on ... this "pituitary gland" is like the commander in chief of all of your other glands .. producing hormones for your organs to work and for you to survive daily - literally... it really is a ****. Major side effect is Addisons which is, or was so infrequent in people; whilst doctors may have heard of it, without a full blood test, testing hormone levels, ferrite plus plus... they would never even notice it. Strangely, medical documents and sites have changed (lowered) the frequency of this happening SINCE 2020.
When the 2nd or 3rd release of the Pfizer docs were forced out ... I was amazed that Addisons was listed; which it was along with another 1,200 adverse reactions (diseases, infections, attacks etc) BUT THOUGHT NO MORE on this subject until recently.
I am very sceptical of all press.. even some of the so called alt-media; but what caught my attention was that in the MSM (in the UK at least).. have been banging on non-stop about hormone problems mainly in women... menopause etc.. but then they started articles about men as well; should you have HRT ... non-stop and daily. They even try and cover it up... hopefully I can one that p1ssed me off today.
We had a small gathering a couple of weeks ago and there was 5 middle aged women there... who they started cackling off - 4 out of the 5 had some strange and sudden hormone imbalance... all jabbed.
The poor parents of this young chap MUST get hold of the blood test; if Addisons, hisCortisol levels will be floored.. or something else... to a trained consultant; it is obvious. Poor lad.
What you talk about here is so important Bob and relevant (why did they stop reporting it in 2020??? the fcukers - WE know) . I'm going to save your reply here so I can study it. I have a friend , quite big in our resistence movement, studies chemtrails). He gets sick after all his meals, can't keep anything down. I thought he was being attacked for his work. Thank you
This is so dreadful. My heart aches for the parents, and the coroner discussing the child's "organs" with the father at the petrol station??!!! Good Grief!! Where is all decency??
I recently spoke with a plumber who did work for me last year. He told me he hasnt felt well since the jabs. He's not working now. My elder cousin died suddenly in her sleep in the early morning hours of the 4th of July, Indepencence Day here. Two days previously ,she had hosted a party at her home., no known health problems. God Help Us as we go through this apocalypse.
My sister had a stroke, my younger bro has some heart issue and an operation and my sister in law had breast surgery. Fully boostered the lot of them. Nothing to do with the innoculations though 🤔
Day by day, more evidence comes to light regarding the "safe and effective".
It now has been found that the cancer causing gene SV40 is present in the shots.
Also, the recent preprint study by Peter McCullough et al, that was on The Lancet website for a day, and subsequently pulled concluded that 73.9% of deaths within 2/3 weeks post vaccination, were due to the injection. The study was pulled, as The Lancet disagreed with the "methodology" used to reach those conclusions.
Alan Wat was talking once about that all vaccines are grown on some woman's fast growing cancer back from the forties I think. We should never allow any of this poisonous stuff into us. No wonder we're a sick nation of people
Everyone can become their own doctor, because we know ourselves the best. With that comes responsibility with what we put into our bodies. We must nurture our immune systems. People these days are eating what I call non-food like coke and sofe drinks, chewing gum, even sweets, cakes, biscuits. It's not anything our ancestors would eat as essential calories
Who knows what the inquest will find. But I would bet it won't be the side effects of the MRNA Vaccine
In saying the above, it's difficult to be healthy and well today because they add chemicals to our water, food and air that we breathe, even though we didn't ask for it. Why do we allow this gentle people of Ireland
Anyone doing their best to be healthy can check out the videos of Barbara O'Neill (holistic healer) and buy her book Self-heal by design
Thank you Fionnula, you are a woman after my own heart.
I forgot to mention my little Irish daddy in my post above, who came down with narcolepsy two days after the first Pfizer jab. My sisters and his doctors ignored my report of injury. I did everything to stop the 2nd jab, even mailed off legal notice to the VA, which arrived too late because of a snowstorm.
The doctor ASKED MY OLD DAD, WHO NEVER MET A PILL HE DIDNT LIKE, if he had any "side effects" from the first jab. Her investigation consisted of ASKING THE PATIENT, a little old man with brain and nerve damage (narcolepsy). He would have said NO if his weeny had fallen off, and that's what he said. "NO!" She shot him up again and in exactly 4 months he was dead, went right downhill. He himself knew I was right at the end.
Ive posted about my heartbreak over my dad elsewhere on Irish Substacks. It's still raw after two years. Anyway I wanted to add to your suggested research sites, the site of my mentor Dr. Jennifer Daniels, a Harvard Grad, a genius, who was run out of the country for curing people without the medical poisons. Her story is amazing and you can hear it on YT - "Dr. Jennifer Daniels interviewed by UK column", from some years ago.
She rediscovered the traditional use of turpentine as medicine, (must be used judiciously according to her protocol). That knowledge has been kept in African American culture until recent generations. Her website is She lives in Panama now and has a radio show. Her programs cover many medical topics. She gives her insider view of the medical machine, as well as her recommendations for common diseases. She has one excellent herbal product, formulated years ago on her kitchen table, in Syracuse NY.
Beware of imposters. Another Dr. Jennifer Daniels, also black with the same hairstyle and glasses, has been plastered all over YT to steer people away from her vital information.
The accountability chain constructed by the eugenicists is really magical. Nobody is responsible. Even the parents can sleep well with their decision to inject experimental chemicals into their offspring - probably while desperately hugging the "science" papers provided by FDA and CDC.
In medieval times after people committed horrific atrocities, they went to the abbot to buy letters of indulgence - to buy back a clean conscience. Today people address the eugenicists and their lackeys (politicians) to absolve them of their decisions.
It will be extremely difficult for those within the medical profession to even consider admitting the Covid shots have anything to do with this death. Particularly those who followed the party line and sold the pants off it. They are trapped within a system that over rides treatment of the individual per se.
The Medical profession are pretty much pill pushers in the main.
How can we ever look our GP in the eye again. I mean they're supposed to be so clever. Got their 600 points etc and went through their 7 years of endoctrination. I pray not to break a bone or be in a motor accident
Since the fake pandemic, I've come to believe through a lot of research that NO vaccine is safe and should never ever be given as part of a health system. It's clear to me that it's a money making racket for the Pharmakea industry
Much to digest and more to come. The causation chain is clear enough even if the wriggle room is such that an open verdict is likely with the usual recommendations that will fade into the mists of time. But maybe this coroner is made of sterner stuff. In so many respects, this remote part of Ireland reveals all the fault lines at the time in the wider world of medicine.
Christ, bloody Christ.
Firstly RIP Joseph McGinty and my deepest condolences to the family and friends.
I shall add a link to what I have just watched at the end... and you will understand my frustration and anger at the moment.. but first - more on this poor lad's death and for once I know what I am talking about.
This doctor speaking has no idea what he is on about, apart from what he was told to gob off. So let us start with "Addison's disease" WHICH I ALSO HAVE AS A SIDE-EFFECT of something called "hypopituitarism" due to the doctors blasting my pituitary gland with radiation, during cancer treatment (NPC and NO I have not had the jab) .. anyway blah blah and hold on ... this "pituitary gland" is like the commander in chief of all of your other glands .. producing hormones for your organs to work and for you to survive daily - literally... it really is a ****. Major side effect is Addisons which is, or was so infrequent in people; whilst doctors may have heard of it, without a full blood test, testing hormone levels, ferrite plus plus... they would never even notice it. Strangely, medical documents and sites have changed (lowered) the frequency of this happening SINCE 2020.
When the 2nd or 3rd release of the Pfizer docs were forced out ... I was amazed that Addisons was listed; which it was along with another 1,200 adverse reactions (diseases, infections, attacks etc) BUT THOUGHT NO MORE on this subject until recently.
I am very sceptical of all press.. even some of the so called alt-media; but what caught my attention was that in the MSM (in the UK at least).. have been banging on non-stop about hormone problems mainly in women... menopause etc.. but then they started articles about men as well; should you have HRT ... non-stop and daily. They even try and cover it up... hopefully I can one that p1ssed me off today.
We had a small gathering a couple of weeks ago and there was 5 middle aged women there... who they started cackling off - 4 out of the 5 had some strange and sudden hormone imbalance... all jabbed.
The poor parents of this young chap MUST get hold of the blood test; if Addisons, hisCortisol levels will be floored.. or something else... to a trained consultant; it is obvious. Poor lad.
Addisons (very general) -
Pfizer adverse effects (page 30) mentioning Addisons =
PS The MSM call hormone s - steroids normally... they are the same but NO, not the same as the body builders use.
Anyway, God bless you little one and for the parents and family; I am so sorry for your loss.
Unfortunately, these stories seem to becoming more and more common... as an example:
This takes time to load or play =
Notice that this is video NUMBER 40 ?
What you talk about here is so important Bob and relevant (why did they stop reporting it in 2020??? the fcukers - WE know) . I'm going to save your reply here so I can study it. I have a friend , quite big in our resistence movement, studies chemtrails). He gets sick after all his meals, can't keep anything down. I thought he was being attacked for his work. Thank you
This is so dreadful. My heart aches for the parents, and the coroner discussing the child's "organs" with the father at the petrol station??!!! Good Grief!! Where is all decency??
I recently spoke with a plumber who did work for me last year. He told me he hasnt felt well since the jabs. He's not working now. My elder cousin died suddenly in her sleep in the early morning hours of the 4th of July, Indepencence Day here. Two days previously ,she had hosted a party at her home., no known health problems. God Help Us as we go through this apocalypse.
My sister had a stroke, my younger bro has some heart issue and an operation and my sister in law had breast surgery. Fully boostered the lot of them. Nothing to do with the innoculations though 🤔
Day by day, more evidence comes to light regarding the "safe and effective".
It now has been found that the cancer causing gene SV40 is present in the shots.
Also, the recent preprint study by Peter McCullough et al, that was on The Lancet website for a day, and subsequently pulled concluded that 73.9% of deaths within 2/3 weeks post vaccination, were due to the injection. The study was pulled, as The Lancet disagreed with the "methodology" used to reach those conclusions.
Alan Wat was talking once about that all vaccines are grown on some woman's fast growing cancer back from the forties I think. We should never allow any of this poisonous stuff into us. No wonder we're a sick nation of people
Everyone can become their own doctor, because we know ourselves the best. With that comes responsibility with what we put into our bodies. We must nurture our immune systems. People these days are eating what I call non-food like coke and sofe drinks, chewing gum, even sweets, cakes, biscuits. It's not anything our ancestors would eat as essential calories
Who knows what the inquest will find. But I would bet it won't be the side effects of the MRNA Vaccine
In saying the above, it's difficult to be healthy and well today because they add chemicals to our water, food and air that we breathe, even though we didn't ask for it. Why do we allow this gentle people of Ireland
Anyone doing their best to be healthy can check out the videos of Barbara O'Neill (holistic healer) and buy her book Self-heal by design
Thank you Fionnula, you are a woman after my own heart.
I forgot to mention my little Irish daddy in my post above, who came down with narcolepsy two days after the first Pfizer jab. My sisters and his doctors ignored my report of injury. I did everything to stop the 2nd jab, even mailed off legal notice to the VA, which arrived too late because of a snowstorm.
The doctor ASKED MY OLD DAD, WHO NEVER MET A PILL HE DIDNT LIKE, if he had any "side effects" from the first jab. Her investigation consisted of ASKING THE PATIENT, a little old man with brain and nerve damage (narcolepsy). He would have said NO if his weeny had fallen off, and that's what he said. "NO!" She shot him up again and in exactly 4 months he was dead, went right downhill. He himself knew I was right at the end.
Ive posted about my heartbreak over my dad elsewhere on Irish Substacks. It's still raw after two years. Anyway I wanted to add to your suggested research sites, the site of my mentor Dr. Jennifer Daniels, a Harvard Grad, a genius, who was run out of the country for curing people without the medical poisons. Her story is amazing and you can hear it on YT - "Dr. Jennifer Daniels interviewed by UK column", from some years ago.
She rediscovered the traditional use of turpentine as medicine, (must be used judiciously according to her protocol). That knowledge has been kept in African American culture until recent generations. Her website is She lives in Panama now and has a radio show. Her programs cover many medical topics. She gives her insider view of the medical machine, as well as her recommendations for common diseases. She has one excellent herbal product, formulated years ago on her kitchen table, in Syracuse NY.
Beware of imposters. Another Dr. Jennifer Daniels, also black with the same hairstyle and glasses, has been plastered all over YT to steer people away from her vital information.
The accountability chain constructed by the eugenicists is really magical. Nobody is responsible. Even the parents can sleep well with their decision to inject experimental chemicals into their offspring - probably while desperately hugging the "science" papers provided by FDA and CDC.
In medieval times after people committed horrific atrocities, they went to the abbot to buy letters of indulgence - to buy back a clean conscience. Today people address the eugenicists and their lackeys (politicians) to absolve them of their decisions.
It will be extremely difficult for those within the medical profession to even consider admitting the Covid shots have anything to do with this death. Particularly those who followed the party line and sold the pants off it. They are trapped within a system that over rides treatment of the individual per se.
The Medical profession are pretty much pill pushers in the main.
How can we ever look our GP in the eye again. I mean they're supposed to be so clever. Got their 600 points etc and went through their 7 years of endoctrination. I pray not to break a bone or be in a motor accident
I'm sure some of them know, we know they know.
Since the fake pandemic, I've come to believe through a lot of research that NO vaccine is safe and should never ever be given as part of a health system. It's clear to me that it's a money making racket for the Pharmakea industry