What's behind Irish media silence on vaccine harm?
Those suffering vaccine injuries deserve recognition
It’s a little over one year now since I lost all my work as a reporter for a national Irish newspaper. It was a work from home gig, full time, freelance, reporting general news. It started in October 2021 and ended abruptly, three months later.
Prior to the closing of the courts in 2020, I was reporting on inquests at Dublin Coroner’s Court (freelance). It was clear to me from the start, that the reportage on covid 19 was, not quite right.
Being let go was not entirely unexpected. I’d hoped I could break through the strange code of silence around covid 19 vaccine safety. There had been a disagreement with a news editor when I pitched the story of a medical student in Waterford, who had a serious injury post vaccine and required help.
This young lady had been vocal on social media about her situation. Some days she couldn’t walk.
“I do not want antivax stories in my newspaper,” was the editor’s reply.
It was nearing the end of 2021. The vaccine roll out was complete. The booster campaign was ramping up.
We had a back and forth, myself and the editor.
But those having reactions were my concern. If we, the media shun those suffering as acceptable ‘collateral damage’, who will tell their stories? How will they access help? Do they not deserve to be heard?
“Feel free to pitch it to another newspaper Louise. On your own time obviously,” was the reply.
The editor emailed again to clarify that the paper’s position was with the government and NPHET and it would never print anything that would put someone off taking ‘a vaccine that will keep them alive.’
I thanked the editor for that correspondence and replied:
“As I see it, it's our job to question the government & NPHET on this - and all topics.”
The editor pointedly informed me that being vaccinated was ‘a damn sight better than getting covid 19’ and I should ask anyone that had lost someone to this ‘brutal pandemic.’
I don’t actually know anyone that died due to covid 19. I knew of multiple cases of elderly and infirm deaths classified as covid 19 following a positive test. But I also knew of multiple cases of patients testing positive incidentally on arrival in hospital for treatment for other conditions.
In any case, there was no way through.
Prior to this I’d been attempting to break through the dominant force of fearmongering associated with covid and latterly, on vaccine safety, as a freelance.
I pitched multiple stories to editors in pretty much every single newspaper in the country on topics such as excess deaths, inflated death figures, whistle-blower nurses raising vaccine concerns, vaccine safety questions and vaccine injuries.
Besides this story published in the Sunday Times and Sunday Independent in April 2021, all of these story pitches were shot down.
The response from the news editor is helpful in that it at least sheds some light on the situation. The media was ‘taking the government and NPHET’s line’ and nothing else was acceptable. I don’t know why the media took this line. Could it have something to do the money these outlets earned during the covid years, pushing HSE and government advertising? Perhaps the blanket positive vaccine coverage may be linked to supply contracts for these products? Since much of that information is confidential, we simply do not know.
( Reuters ):
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Ombudsman is investigating the secrecy with which the European Union’s executive is handling COVID-19 vaccine supply contracts, it said on Friday.
The EU has spent about 2.5 billion euros ($3 billion) on downpayments to secure nearly 2.3 billion doses of COVID-19 candidates and approved vaccines from six companies. The pricing, delivery terms and other key clauses are confidential.
“We have just opened an inquiry into the Commission’s refusal to give public access to documents concerning the purchase of vaccines against COVID-19,” a spokeswoman for the EU Ombudsman said.
I’ve been interviewing people with injuries post vaccine since the summer of 2021. These were stories from people whose lives had been turned upside down, physically, emotionally and financially. In addition, they were treated as pariahs by family and by the medical system and they were punished further, due to the government’s imposition of vaccine certs for access to restaurants and bars. Because many could not take a second shot, they could not even meet a friend for coffee. It was a despicable predicament for people who had done what they believed to be their civic duty, to take a vaccine as they had been told to, by the government, health officials, the media and their employers.
Often these interviews would take more than an hour and yet come to nothing. Invariably, the injured interviewee would decide they did not want their story published, for fear of being ostracised among friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues. They feared if they spoke up, they might face backlash from the medical system, upon which they were dependant for tests and treatment.
Some weeks after my correspondence with the editor this story appeared in the Drogheda Independent, by Alison Comyn, featuring Eithne Branigan, from Co Louth.
A few weeks later, all contact from the newspaper I was working for ceased. I was never told I was fired, nor let go, or told there was not enough work. Just quietly removed from the roster. And never contacted again.
Last week, we had a breakthrough in the British press.
This was followed on St Patrick’s Day, by a speech from British MP Andrew Bridgen delivered to an empty House of Commons that was removed from You Tube and subsequently reinstated.

Mr Bridgen said he received ‘hundreds and hundreds of emails’ from all over the world from people recounting stories of harms post covid vaccination.
“Not one media organisation wanted to talk about the issue of serious harms or death occurring as a result of the mRNA vaccines. Mr Deputy Speaker, I fully expect they will show the same level of disinterest in today’s debate.
“A scattering of reports are now appearing in the mainstream media. Sadly the number of people affected in the UK and across the world cannot be ignored or hidden indefinitely,” Mr Bridgen said.
Here in Ireland, in response to a query from this Substack, the State Claims Agency confirmed it has received 13 injury claims connected to Covid-19 vaccines. Senior level barristers have indicated that due to the scale of the vaccine roll out, those taking cases for injuries arising from vaccines will face a monumental battle.
Tomorrow, I will publish the first of a series of stories from vaccine injured people on this Substack. The aim is to break through the silence, offer recognition and support and initiate acknowledgement from public health authorities and the State, for the situations these people endure.
Warm thanks to those of you supporting my work, it is much appreciated.
Previous posts on this topic:
As the only Irish doctor to be suspended from the Medical Register for my refusal to be complicit in the crime of endorsing the panic propaganda cynically used to facilitate the assault of mRNA which I also refused to administer , I have massive respect for Louise Rosingrave for her courage and commitment to the honorable profession of journalism betrayed by the vast majority of her colleagues,much to their eternal shame . She is worthy of being supported and subscribed to on Substack Dr Gerry Waters . Celbridge. Co Kildare . Ireland
This is your karma, Louise! Heartfelt thanks for your courage in applying your undoubted journalistic talent to where it can really make a difference in these diabolical times. Looking forward to your ongoing reporting in this area. The global planners and their local patsies want this monumental corruption of public health and media to go away. But we've got to keep chipping away with the facts until it wears them down and we get that no-holds-barred inquiry which is our right.
That boycott of Andrew Bridgend MP was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in the 'mother of all parliaments'. Even at the height of the IRA's campaign in Britain, MPs would not shun uncomfortable voices like this. Dr John Campbell captured the sinister preliminaries to the walkout here:
Just a quick comment about the percentage of hospitalised/ICU patients who were unvaccinated as proffered by your former editor who was just rabbiting what amounted to rigged official data. The key point here is that by virtue of being unvaccinated, these unfortunates were far too slow to go near doctors and hospitals due to the unprecedented stigma exacerbated by Joe Duffy et al on the airways and in the papers. Many Irish doctors even posted what amounted to 'threatening' notices and a few notables even posted on social media in the same vein, especially on Twitter and Facebook.
I can speak with some authority here because I got a bad bout of Covid in mid-October 2019 (delta). One of my sons got it first and I was aware of my 'immuno-compromised' vulnerability after a horrible bout of Aussie Flu in 2018 which affected my joints in particular and took me months to shake off after aging me about 10 years. Showing positive on a home Antigen test, I was feeling reasonably okay for the first few days but keeping a close eye on the 'eight day' rule-of-thumb developed by Dr Shankara Chetty in South Africa. Sure enough, I developed a bad cough and noticeable shortness of breath right on cue but could not get a doctor to prescribe me a simple course of steroids and antibiotics according to the tried-and-tested Chetty guide (1000's of doctors around the globe were using his treatment guide at this stage).
Instead, I was instructed to go to the A&E unit of my nearest hospital. My son drove me and I went through an awful lot of harsh stares, cutting little derogatory remarks and interminable waiting before finally getting an x-ray which showed up a slight pneumonia. One nurse quietly gave me moral support, confiding in me that she had contracted a horrible dose earlier that year which kept her out of work for months even though she had been double-vaxxed as per her employment mandate.
In any event, I got my antibiotics and steroids but they insisted on keeping me overnight and then another night for good measure even though my oxygen was back at reasonable levels. They would have kept me longer but I insisted on going home as I wanted to get the hell out of the place which was getting spookier by the day. The young Indian nurse who wheeled me out was clearly under instruction to give me a harsh lecture on my irresponsible behaviour for not getting vaxxed in the first place. When the medical report came in the post a week later for my VHI claim, they made a major point of stating that I was unvaccinated. I was curious if this would affect my claim which, thankfully, turned out not to be the case.
Interestingly, I had shared a ward with six Covid patients who had all been double-vaxxed and boosted but were counting not the days but the weeks before going home. I had the distinct feeling a serious 'incentivisation' factor was at play. Otherwise, the hospital was virtually empty as far as I could make out.
By the way, for using his brain, doing his due diligence, doing right by his patients and sharing his invaluable on-the-job research with the rest of the world, Dr Shankara Chetty is now being put through the grinder by the medical establishment in South Africa. Other brave doctors are also being targeted for supporting his cause. This tyranny is right up there with the early years of Nazi Germany and we all know what happened when it remained unchecked.